Google Upped the Mobile Game Again... Did Your Website Slip Out Of The Mobile Search Results?

Google Upped the Mobile Game Again... Did Your Website Slip Out Of The Mobile Search Results?

As promisedGoogle rolled out its latest mobile-friendly algorithm. Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller announced it this morning on Twitter, saying, “The mobile changes mentioned here are now fully rolled out.”

Google already rolled out the heads-up in March of this year. They said, they are working to boost the mobile-friendly algorithm in May, and clearly, that has finished rolling out today.

The purpose is to “increase the effect of the [mobile-friendly] ranking signal.” As Google said in March, if you are already mobile-friendly, you do not have to worry, because “you will not be impacted by this update.”

The sad truth is that many business websites, especially small businesses, are NOT “mobile friendly” and will begin to see an erosion of organic traffic as “The Big G” replaces their listings with other more “mobile friendly” sites. i.e. Your competitors.

What is Google mobile-friendly algorithm update?

The Google mobile-friendly algorithm is a page-by-page signal, so it can take time for Google to assess each page, and that is why it took some time to roll out fully. So depending on how fast Google crawls and indexes all of the pages on your site, the impact can be slow to show up.

How to check if my website is Mobile friendly?

If want to ensure that your site is mobile friendly, check the Google mobile-friendly tool, and check Google’s mobile guidelines. Make sure that you pass the mobile friendly test to take the advantage of Mobile friendly algorithm update.

How can I quickly and inexpensively make my website "Mobile friendly"?

If your site is not currently being blessed with the “mobile friendly” tag, don’t stress out. It’s a relatively easy thing to fix.

For those who need a little help making the fix, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will show you how to get back into Google’s good, mobile, graces without rebuilding your site.

Google updated their Mobile-Friendly test... Checkout your site at:



Mark Royer ★ AI/Digital Project Manager ★ Certified Digital Marketer and Copywriter的更多文章

