Google unveils sweet new Android OS update
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Google has revealed Android Oreo, the next major OS update. The software builds upon the success of Nougat, offering new features and upgrades to smartphones and tablets. If you have an Android device and want to know more about the Oreo update, here’s a quick rundown, including how to get it early.
Picture-in-picture mode
First of all, picture-in-picture mode is now built into Android OS. This means you’ll be able to view YouTube videos or Skype calls in a shrunken window while another app runs in the background. Android users with larger devices will certainly appreciate the ability to multitask.
Enhanced notifications
Google is also introducing another small quality-of-life improvement for Android users with bubble pop-ups and notifications. When a colored circle appears on the top right corner of an app’s desktop icon, users can long-press the app to see more details about the notification without running the app itself. This saves time and battery life.