Google Translation VS Human Translation
Let’s be honest, the human language, is filled with nuances and details that a Google Translate cannot pick up on. If you want to get your message across correctly you need a human translator, not a machine.
Machine Translations: Pros, Cons and Purpose
Machines translation started very early in the game. Today, it has evolved into a profitable business and provides paid translations to millions of people every day.
For example, when we click on a webpage, our browser will most likely translate it automatically. This amazing technology allows us to read and see other languages from all over the world.
For a small business, this can be a good place to start. Translators can begin to look for what you’re trying to say and help you say it.
Now let’s touch on some of the weaknesses that a machine translation can run in to.
Human Translation: Pros, Cons and Purpose
Obviously Human translation is done by a human that takes original material and converts it into the desired language. This is most likely done by a professional or legal translator who has been trained in the art of translation professionally.
The biggest weakness is time however nothing worthwhile can be done in seconds. If you are representing a client or someone of importance then you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself or your company by producing a document with spelling, grammar mistakes or worse, the wrong message.
A human translator can take a legal document, a part of speech, or even an event and translate it to the T. They are able to see beyond literal meaning of words and introduce symbolism and cultural meanings that a computer cannot understand. Plain and Simple. Companies such as Communication Legal Translation Est. uses only experienced highly qualified human translators to get your point across. Since 1996, they have been doing one thing well, translation. Please browse through a Company Profile here and Contact them today for a free quote.