Google Search Console: User Guide for Beginners
SEO is on the lips of SEO experts even still in 2020. After spending a lot of time creating various marketing campaigns and changing all of your descriptions to be as effective as possible, you most likely want to track your progress. Well known on the web, Google Analytics allows you to have a multitude of information on visits and visitors to your website. However, do you know his Google Search Console alter ego? Like its big brother Google Analytics, it is a free and useful tool. Indeed, Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, allows you to measure your performance regarding searches made via Google. Want to know more? Read on!
But the Search Console, what is it for exactly?
To sum it all up very briefly, your Search Console allows you to track your results during searches made on Google. In fact, thanks to this tool you can see how Google sees your site. With the help of this data, you will be able to work on what is performing less well and see what the fruits of your various marketing campaigns are. Here's a quick summary of what Google Search Console can do for your SEO:
To begin with, Google Search Engine allows you to have several data on your performance when searching on the web. Choose the Performance section on the left, then filter your results according to the type of search and the duration you wish to analyze. The first table you will find on this page contains the total number of clicks on your site and the total number of impressions (the number of times Google put you on the results page). You then have your average CTR (your click-through rate, which is the percentage of people who clicked on your site out of the number of times your site appeared in the results). CTR is used in marketing to measure the effectiveness of campaigns. If your rate seems low to you, you can try modifying the different meta descriptions on your site to make them more appealing to potential visitors.
Then, you also have your average position in the searches. Obviously, the closer your position is to 1, the greater your visibility and success will be. Try to aim for your place on the first page. If you go down to the second table, you will have access to various data via the tabs regarding which keywords brought visitors to your page, which pages were the most popular, as well as your success rate by country and your performance by electronics. Take the time to analyze these results. Are you surprised by these? Do you have any idea what you need to work on or which markets you need to improve performance?
Allows you to check the links leading and exiting your website
Another strength of Google Search Console is that it allows you to see what are the external links and internal links of your website, as well as the main originating sites. First of all, external links, also called backlinks, are links from other web pages that lead to your site. You can see the links that are most relevant to others. Are these articles by chance? Know that the more texts you have that are shared by others, the more authority it gives to your website. However, there may be times when sites that are externally linked to your website are not of high quality, or even questionable. If you have too many shady backlinks, it can affect your SEO. However, you have the right to disavow external links to protect yourself.
Provides access to errors
Third, Google Search Console grants you the right to see the weaknesses and errors in your site that are affecting your search engine performance. Take the time to take a look at the Coverage and Mobile Ergonomics sections. First, the Coverage section allows you to see the different errors found on your website. This could be, for example, that a link leads to a page not found by Google (Error 404). You can see the page where the search engine found the weakness by clicking directly on the detail. Find the offending link, then fix it. As you can imagine, the fewer errors Google sees on your website, the better it will rank it.
In addition, Google has also tended in recent years to make websites that are mobile friendly more efficient. You can find your weaknesses regarding the mobile ergonomics of your project by clicking on the dedicated section on the left.
How to link Google Search Console to your WebSelf site
Are you now convinced that you need to add Google Search Console to your marketing tools? Please find below the procedure to link this tool to your website. While these steps may seem intimidating to a novice, be aware that it is not very difficult to link your WebSelf site to Google Search Console. You just have to follow these few points very similar to the steps to link your Google Analytics account to your project. You will see, the game is well worth the effort and soon you will not be able to do without this precious data!
1- Create a Google account
The first step in connecting Google Search Console to your WebSelf site is to first create a Google account. You already have one if your website is connected to Google Analytics. If you don't already have an account, you can create one here.
2- Create a Search Console account
Then, you must go to the Search Console page to create your account. You will then need to add your property (your website).
3- Confirm that this is your site
Since it would be a shame if competitors or hackers had access to your SEO data, Google has implemented checks that you must pass in order to prove that you are the owner of your website. For example, you can use your Google Analytics account to prove that you are the owner.
When your site is added, Google will provide you with a code, the HTML tag (located in Other methods). Copy it and go back to your WebSelf site.
4- Add the code on WebSelf
Go to your site, then select the Settings icon located at the bottom left of your site. Then click on the Code and tracking section, then paste the code given by Google into the Google Webmaster Tools rectangle. Save it all. Once Google validates your site, you will have access to your Search Console data. Please note, however, that it may take a few days for your account to be verified by Google.
You can also find the procedure for connecting Google Search Console on the dedicated page in our support section. Our customer service is also available if you need assistance or a little extra help!
To conclude, Google Search Console is an interesting tool for anyone who wants to closely monitor their SEO and their performance on the big search engine. Complementary to Google Analytics, you will know which of your articles are used in reference, while discovering which keywords are the most profitable for your blog or your business. As mentioned in our Google Analytics article: A guide for beginners, take the time to familiarize yourself with this tool, then write down the results of your various campaigns. While the road to getting to # 1 in Google results is tough (and even now in 2020 we're talking about taking # 0!),