Google to revolutionize the Healthcare sector, Partnering with iCAD to improve breast cancer screening
MD Sabtain Awan
10K Follower | Deputy Manager @ Power Cement | Ex Cimko | Value-Addition | 3D Printer Designer | Speaker | Researcher | Industrialization | ISO 50001| ISO 9001 | Digital Transformation
AI Research to Real-world Clinical Practice:
In a recent LinkedIn Post Vice President of Engineering at Google, Mr. Behshad Behzadi Shared that "After a pivotal moment in 2020 to show our AI technology performed better than radiologists in a retrospective study at identifying signs of breast cancer, today a new important milestone is achieved: Google Health announces our first commercial agreement to license our mammography AI research model to be integrated in real-world clinical practice." This can make healthcare AI to be more accessible and eventually saves more lives.
Google revolutionize the Healthcare sector,