Google Outsmarts Competition With Custom Machine Types In The Cloud
Customers migrating to the public cloud get overwhelmed with the number of instance types and the categories offered by the providers. As of November 1st, 2015, Amazon EC2 has 39 instance types to choose from 6 different instance families. Though AWS takes pride in rapidly adding features and services to its platform, it hasn’t done much in providing appropriate guidance in choosing the right instance types. Amazon continues to add at least two new instance types every year. Jeff Barr, the chief evangelist and the official blogger at AWS, published a detailed history of EC2 instances.
Microsoft Azure is no different in overwhelming the customers. It has over 30 VM types with varied capabilities and pricing options but with very little guidance on choosing the right configuration.
Like most of its competitors, Google has a choice of 18 predefined machine types that offer varying power of CPU, memory and storage across 4 categories. Each machine type has its own pricing and is billed separately. For example, customers running transactional databases choose from high-memory machine types while running the development and test workloads on standard machine types.
Read the entire article at Forbes.
Janakiram MSV is an analyst, advisor, and architect. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.