Google is offering automated migration to GA4. Should you keep calm and let Google handle it?

Google is offering automated migration to GA4. Should you keep calm and let Google handle it?

Recently Google announced it will soon start a process to automatically create GA4 properties for Universal Analytics properties that haven’t yet migrated to GA4. The new GA4 property will take over some of the basic features and settings of the corresponding UA property, according to Google. This process will start in March 2023 for every UA property, unless you specifically opt-out. Although Google announced this news already in a blogpost in October 2022, it’s last week’s e-mail that’s stirring up tempers about GA4.?

The automated migration wants to ensure that every existing UA install can continue to collect data after the UA sunset. As such, it’s a logical move from Google as they want to encourage GA4 adoption. But is an automated transition to GA4 something you should consider? To answer this question, we looked at the exact wording Google used in their communications.?

The e-mail Google sent to UA users mentions:

“We recommend you make the switch to GA4 now” This suggests that you better migrate to GA4 immediately and don’t wait for the automated process to conclude.?

And a bit further:

“For any customer who does not set up a GA4 property with basic settings, starting in March, we will configure one with a few basic settings consistent with the existing Universal Analytics property”.

It looks likes Google wants to proactively help UA users to migrate, but the message also remains very vague about the exact scope of the automated migration: “certain conversion events, Google ads links, and existing website links.” There’s no guarantee that all conversion events will be automatically tracked in the automated GA4 property.?

The second important message is:

“For Universal Analytics customers whose websites are tagged with gtag.js or analytics.js (including through tag management systems like Google Tag Manager), we will create a connected site tag that will reuse existing tags, when possible, to send traffic to the new GA4 property.”

Notice the ‘when possible’. If today, you site is perfectly tagged, and custom events and goal definitions are set-up in such a way that they suit GA4 than an automated migration would be worthwhile considering. I don’t believe there are many websites where this is the case.

From our recent experience with GA4 we learned that it’s very different from UA and requires an intentional effort to set it up. If you want to accurately track your website and get insights from the customer journey it’s important to define and set up events and goals in GA4, in line with your strategy. To get the most out of GA4 customizing site tags and conversion events is mandatory in our opinion. Don’t let Google decide what’s important for your business.?

The sunset date (July 1, 2023) for UA is rapidly approaching so if you haven’t planned a migration to GA4 yet this offer might sound tempting. But even Google advises the automated migration only as a last resort. To ensure a tailored and high-quality setup of GA4 we recommend conducting a defined and managed migrations process.?

If you don’t want Google to create GA4 properties for you than you need to opt out by February 28, 2023:

  • Go to “admin” in the UA property
  • Click “GA4 Setup Assistant” in the property column
  • Turn off the toggle switch for “Automatically set up a basic Google Analytics 4 property”

Migrating UA properties to GA4 will require some initial effort and should be done according to your specific goals and strategy. Also, the migration to GA4 creates a momentum to review and update your KPI-framework. As a data-driven marketer you should keep full control over your GA4 set-up. Therefore, don’t rely on automatically created properties.?


