Google I apologize...
Before I start, one of the most exciting announcements on the cloud happened Yesterday (yes, I finished writing this in April then forgot to publish :)), where google announced lot of features. While trying to reduce the number of events, I attend in a year, missed one of the key ones. But that's not the reason for apologizing.
I had thought GCP platform is building out, just like what others
are providing and may be some small things better here and there. Had written
off GCP other than the data and AI workloads, hence my apologizes when they
announced 1 thing which stood and may become one of the biggest differentiators,
than others.
No prize for guessing, Anthos. Some of our customers were
undergoing the pain on how to manage multi cloud environment and some had
started building a custom Kubernetes orchestration engine to support their need
of hybrid cloud and to support multiple cloud platform.
But this was an amazing announcement, and I overnight became a fan
of GCP again. Apologies for have written off, you are back with a bang.