Google to Glocalgurus - The Contextual Search engine impacting Business Support Functions globally .20 June 2017
Vishal Singh
Director Marketing I Omni channel I D2C Strategy I Ecommerce I Branding I Performance Marketing I Transformation
With 2017 We saw a surge in technology startups , AI - Machine learning for better search results for a satisfied consumer . Some of the top searched things became the behemoth of the Internet industry like alibaba for sourcing , Linkedin for professionals .
"How will the future of search look like in 2017 "
Transformation of Search - Visually and Functionally
Within a decade we have seen the shape shifting search has gone into both visually and functionally emphasizing on relevant results in combination with predictive indices builtin. With voice commands and AI will effect consumer life industrial or B2B SEARCH is still rudimentary with data dispersed all across the web, Giving us the opportunity to benchmark by encapsulation and content Curation from omni channel website to one reliable organic Search Engine - Glocalgurus.
EXPENSIVE KEY WORDS , CTR , PAID SEARCH - Marketing team will have to evolve and have to become aware of how the channels will evolve. A plethora of opportunities for Manufacturing brands will open up in emerging markets like Africa,Vietnam , India & Middle east as answers and predictive indices will grow of great importance. The professionals will look not only for better answers but also require the right tool for data discovery for supporting their job function in the growing markets .
The growth of predictive search - AI , Deep learning on user acquired search pattern from industry .
The emphasis will be on giving the relevant answers to a user based on his demography, Industry functions and his job profile. At glocalgurus our main aim is to provide results by showcasing results by industry , Applications and Other filters of user requirement in one step . For Ex a User in any industry searches for a list of products built in the BOM which sees change only in years and more or less is fixed . With this data we can help not only source but also reduce the annual spend by using scale of business from different companies and aggregation .
Why We built Glocalgurus - Data is there but how to find it ???
After a deep research on various business functions in different demographies we have narrowed down on the five majorly Searched queries in the industry .
- Professional Search
- Product Search - Global to local
- Re sellers and Service providers
- Technology , Policies and regulations
- Company Data - Product lines , Management , Authorized Reps
Some of the top searched items which has given birth to a lot of companies in the past decades can be encapsulated under one umbrella empowering enterprises to use one portal or API for majority of their search . This not only Solves the problem of long browsing hours on the internet or browsing ten websites for one business need likewise hundreds of portals for top support business functions like
If some of the enterprises would like to signup with us please feel free to reach out at [email protected] . The first Search Engine for business enterprises proudly conceptualized globally but Built in INDIA .