Google fools you and profits from it
Chris Russell
Agile, strategic leader with 20+ years' experience in leader development, Planning/OPS, Training & Program Management
Ever wonder why it's so hard to find something using the google search engine compared to how easy it used?to be? It's by design. Google has found ways to monetize everything about you and fool you into thinking that it's 'helping'.
Almost any time you search for something on google the entire first page of results (at least) is nothing but ads or 'sponsored' content. Google gets paid to simply show you those results. Google gets paid even more if you click on one of them. How do you get around this? Simple, scroll down to the bottom and click the next page (or two) until you are seeing actual results that look like what you were wanting to see. People don't usually go to google to 'shop' for stuff, they go there to find things out. For shopping they use Amazon, Temu or other websites that are geared towards just that.
Here's another hot tip, if you are looking for 'historical' information instead of the latest news, click the "custom range" under the "tools" (top right) menu. If you don't see these, you're not on the actual google site, you're on another google site that looks like google and is owned by google but is geared towards selling you something instead of showing you something. Beware though, even when you use the custom range, it will show you a bunch of ads and it will also show you results that fall outside the range you specified. Those results are there because someone paid for them to be there, not because they are really relevant.
Finally, google will show you much more 'liberal' results than conservative ones because that's how their programmers roll. You can get much more balanced results from a site like or The downside to using the less biased sites is that they don't have the power or 'reach' that google, or Bing do. Have a great day and be a great person.