Google employs memory cells to operate the computing machines
Vetrivel Shanmugam
Corporate dropout. (Voice: This is too much. Me: Cant hear you, once more, louder please?
Memory cells? What do you mean by memory cells. They are living humans, employed to solve critical business challenges, who are passionate in problem solving, with a template of interview questions, a template of work routine, a template of process to follow for ensuring business as usual.
You cant objectify a human brain as a non living memory cell.
The internet companies out there, whose real business thrives in the software running the electronic devices, have a clear high profit margin strategy to employ human cells to get to market.
Wait. do you have an alternative? Yes! why can they make the machine do the machine work. Moreover, these are internet enabled companies. They don't even need humans or have any field work. Why would they hire and fire employees?
See, the big giants like google, meta, amazon are businesses. They are not a saviour of man kind if you have that in your mind. Plus, Per winston churchil,
US has oil as export.
Europe has industrial manufacturing as export.
India has a hybridised breed of animal, been cultured in a an agar dish for over 200 years, fed them with problems that dont exist, made them feel good as top of their neighbours, gets a good grade, as an intellectual is usually a brain damaged individual found an escape from reality to speak a language others dont understand and playing tricks.
But still, why would google hire loads of Indian brain? the bosses are indians, middle management is indian, google market is in india, google private limited is registered in India and the money piles up in UK and US pockets.
Interesting, MNC has an interesting circle that helps some pieces of authority to pile up money escaping their government, their origin having their own territory and market to keep the circle going on.
Getting into someone else's business is wrong, always mind your business. if you don't have one, start one.
Love thy neighbours, for they eat each others brains off. An intellectual cannabalism trait found in these intellectuals.
Foundation of the circle's strength - They are usually investors, capitalists, sees tech as a good returns of investment. Investors can't fail, because they will have other backups or even the circle of money is under their radar. Wishing for someone else's failure or plotting their failure is wrong, because what we see in others is we see in ourselves.
Now the business opportunity. The fresh brain, raised in india, will rot soon. Indians are fast learners, faster they learn, faster they pile up information in their brain memory cells, unless they are a thinker.
There are two types of brains.
Why does this sound like being called a sleeper cells? well, thats the closest catch word I could think of because it matches exact behaviour of brain rearing mechanism for a greater plot.
A memory cell brain will wither soon. The pile of heads at google, may be a memory cell or a thinking cell. A smart brain as such will deceive itself that a memorizer is a thinker for he has memorized how to think. These pile of mush learnt every intellectual information, have it by their heart in a false belief that a single source of knowledge is from book. Unless something sparks from their within.
Business opportunity
These fading memory cells are a good scrap material, which will be available at a low cost for human consumption. The brain may have stored wrong information, but the neural networks in their brain, are a physical matter which, when cooked on a slow heat pan, with a pinch of turmeric, salt, pepper, is easy to swallow, very nutritious for the eating brain.
Looking at this trend of goats at google, sooner mutton stalls will find humans being sold at lower price than goats for below reasons.
Investment opportunity
Invest in your own self. Invest your time for yourself. Invest your space for yourself. Have an empty brain, also called black mass. Train it hard not to learn information passed on to it from someone else. The information chain is a breadcrumbs of a rat acid trap.