Google Adwords Tip 9
Click Prefect TM
Click Prefect TM - Digital Marketing Training Institute (SEO, SMM, PPC, SEM, SMO)
Tip #9 - All About Negative Keywords
What onething can help make your Budget more efficient, possibly increase your CTRs,and potentially save you from serving your Ads on Keywords not aligned to yourcompany? The answer is Negative Keywords.
If you'reusing Broad, Broad Match Modifier, and/or Phrase Match (and you probably shouldbe), you must use Negative Keywords.
Tip#9 - Three Things to know on Negative Keywords
1. Use Negative Keywords - Negative Keywords are a word, or words,that you enter into your AdWords Account that restrict your Ads from showing ifthat particular word is anywhere in the searchers' query.
Forexample, let's say you're bidding on the Keyword, "basketball shoes,"as Phrase Match. Let's also say that you only sell men's basketballshoes. By adding the Negative Keyword, womens, your AdWords Ads wouldnever show when a searcher looks for women's basketball shoes. How to add Negative Keywords
2. Have a Master List of NegativeKeywords - Anextensive list of Negative Keywords that you'd never want to serve Ads on.
Over time,and by doing Keyword Research, you should develop a list of Keywords that willnever be relevant to your business, and that you'd never like to serve Ads on. Creating a Master List of Negative Keywords will allow you to have a listof Negative Keywords that you can always apply to your new Campaigns/Ad Groups.
3. Createa Shared List of Negative Keywords - Instead of manually entering and copyingand pasting Negative Keywords each time you begin a new Campaign, you cancreate a Shared List of Negative Keywords that can be applied to multipleCampaigns. This will save you time each time you want to apply NegativeKeywords to a new Campaign.
HowNegative Keywords Can Help You
There aremany benefits of Negative Keywords, but a few I'd like to highlight are:
1. Negative Keywords stop your Ads from serving on irrelevant searches,thereby saving you money on clicks that won't convert.
2. Negative Keywords can stop your Ads from serving on searches that won'tlead to clicks. In this case, Negative Keywords will increase your CTR,and could improve your Quality Scores.
3. If your Brand/company does not want to be associated with certain words,adding these words as Negative Keywords will ensure that your Ads never show upfor this type of content.
Whereto Find Keywords to Add as Negatives
Your SearchTerms report is a great resource for finding words to add asNegatives. You can also view potential Keywords to add as Negatives byresearching new Keywords via the Keyword Planner.