Google Adwords Tip 7
Click Prefect TM
Click Prefect TM - Digital Marketing Training Institute (SEO, SMM, PPC, SEM, SMO)
Tip #7 - Activate Google Merchant Center
Some ofour later tips will be on Product Listing Ads & Google Shopping Campaignsbut before we get there, we first must have our products uploaded toGoogle Merchant Center.
Tip#7 - Create a Google Merchant Center Account & Upload your Products
· Whatis Google Merchant Center? - Google Merchant Center is a platform offered by Googlethat allows eCommerce advertisers to upload products and product data, such asdescriptions, images, and pricing, etc.
· Whatdoes Google Merchant Center do? - Google Merchant Center helps connectsshoppers with products they are searching for.
· Wheredoes Google Merchant Center place advertisers' products? - Google Shopping, ProductListing Ads (PLAs),and/or GoogleShopping Campaigns (moreon those in later posts)
· Howmany products should I upload to Google Merchant Center? - To increase yourreach and visibility of your products and your business, submit all yourproducts to Google Merchant Center.
· Howto create a Google Merchant Center Account? - The Google Merchant Center Beginner's Guide is a great resource for learning all thesteps required to create a Google Merchant Center Account.
Considerations& Tips for Google Merchant Center
· Whenuploading products and product data - while you have to submit your data in an approved Googleformat, give asmuch data and product attributes as possible; include keyword-rich descriptionsand details
· GoogleMerchant Center does not guarantee that your products will automatically befound - often advertisers will have to tweak and optimize their data to make it more discoverable
· Providehigh-quality product data and images
· Providedetailed information about your business, your policies, and how customers cancontact you
· Ifyou have the technical resources, automate Google Merchant Center feedsubmissions via the API