Google Adwords Tip 13
Click Prefect TM
Click Prefect TM - Digital Marketing Training Institute (SEO, SMM, PPC, SEM, SMO)
Tip #13 - Link your Google AdWords & Analytics Accounts
Todaywe'll talk about another simple, yet very important Tip.
Tip#13 - Link your AdWords & Google Analytics Accounts
What ifyou could combine the power and visitor insights of Google Analytics with thedata and statistics of your AdWords Campaigns? The results would give youa holistic view of your AdWords visitors and how they interact with your site. With this view, you could make strategic decisions about your AdWordsCampaigns that would most likely lead to an improved Return on your Investment.
The goodnews is if you're an AdWords Advertiser that also has a Google AnalyticsAccount, you can have access to all this data just by linking the two of them. By linking your AdWords & Analytics you'll have access to additionaldata and additional user insights that can help guide how you view, and makedecisions about your AdWords Campaigns.
How do I link Google AdWords & GoogleAnalytics?
The GoogleHelp Center offers a comprehensive list of steps to link your AdWords Account toGoogle Analytics. Before attempting to link, make sure your Google Account has access toboth the AdWords and Google Analytics Accounts. The user must be an Adminon the AdWords Account and have Edit permissions on the Analytics Account.
Whyshould I link Google AdWords & Google Analytics?
My twofavorite benefits of linking your AdWords and Analytics Accounts are:
1. Linking will allow you to import Google Analytics Goals and Transactionsinto AdWords - this is great for advertisers that can't activate the GoogleAdWords Conversion Tracking.
2. Linking will allow you to see Google AdWords visitor behavior metrics(such as Bounce Rate, Time on Site, Pages/Visit, etc.) inside of your GoogleAnalytics Account (or inside your AdWords Account).