Google Adwords Tip 12

Google Adwords Tip 12

Tip #12 - Use the Dimensions Tab


@ScottyD wrote a great article on What theAdWords Dimensions Tab is and How to Use It and I won't plagiarize him, but I would beremiss to not include the Dimensions Tab when discussing 30 AdWords Tips.


Tip#12 - Use the AdWords Dimensions Tab


The AdWords Dimensions Tab lets advertisers"slice and dice your data by the dimension of your choice across an adgroup, a campaign, or your entire account."  It is a great resourcefor all advertisers to see enhanced AdWords performance data and to find deepAdWords insights.


Inprevious articles we've talked about optimizingyour AdWords Accounts, the Dimensions Tab is a great resource for findingoptimization opportunities.  Maybe a certain geographic area is a topdriver of Conversions to your site; maybe some of your Destination URLs neverlead to a Conversion; maybe your AdWords performance varies wildly by Hour ofDay or Day of Week; the Dimensions Tab has all this data.


Whatcan I find in the AdWords Dimensions Tab?


Since @ScottyD wrote his great DimensionsTab article,there have been three new Dimensions added:


·                          Top Movers - The Top Movers Report will quickly show Advertisers whatCampaigns/Ad Groups have experienced the biggest increases/decreases in Clicks,Costs, Conversions, etc.  It's a great way to get a high-level overviewfor how recent performance compares to previous performance.


·                          Paid & Organic - The Paid & Organic Report showsadvertisers how their SearchTermsperformwhen they have an Ad, organic listing, or both appearing in the Google SearchResults.


·                          Distance - The Distance Report shows AdWordsperformance data by distance from Locations Extensions.


As @ScottyD wrote, the Dimensions Tab also contains:


·                          Reach & Frequency

·                          Labels

·                          Time

·                          Destination URL

·                          Geographic

·                          User Locations

·                          Search Terms

·                          Automatic Placements

·                          FreeClicks

·                          CallDetails


Howshould I start using the Dimensions Tab?


TheDimensions Tab can be very overwhelming - it contains a ton of data, and someof it you really have to slice and dice to make any sense of it.  Foradvertisers just starting out using it, here are three easy reports to look atfirst - 


1.  Time - The Time Dimension will showadvertisers their performance as granular as Hour of the Day, and also by Dayof Week.  If poor performance is seen in certain segments of time, perhapsAd Scheduling should be considered.  If greatperformance is seen in certain segments, perhaps advertisers might increase bids by segments of time.


2.  Destination URL - The Destination URL Dimension willshow advertisers how their Destination URLs perform.  Perhaps someDestination URLs lead to more Conversions than others; perhapsDestination URLs should be updated.


3.  Geographic - The Geographic Dimension could showadvertisers that they perform really well, or really poorly in certain markets. Using this data, advertisers can consider increasing bids in geographic markets, or perhaps excluding certain geographic markets.



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