Google Adwords Tip 11
Click Prefect TM
Click Prefect TM - Digital Marketing Training Institute (SEO, SMM, PPC, SEM, SMO)
Tip #11 - Evaluate Automatic Placements
The Google Display Network is a great way to increase your Reach andserve your Ads to potential customers viewing relevant content across a million+ sites in Google'sNetwork. When running on the Google Display Network and contextually targeting, you have the ability to have Google serveyour Ads on Automatic Placements; performance on these Placements can, andshould be, evaluated.
Tip#11 - Evaluate Automatic Placement Performance
AnAutomatic Placement Report is similar to a Keyword Report - You'll see howoften your Ads served on certain Placements, how oftenthey were clicked on, how often traffic from your Placem... (if Conversion Tracking setup), etc.
Wheredo I find my Automatic Placement Report?
1. Log into AdWords
2. Click on the Display Network Tab
3. Click on Placements (right beneath the main Tabs)
Whatkind of decisions should I make based on Automatic Placement Performance?
Similar tothe process for evaluating Keywords, there are many decisions to considerregarding performance of Automatic Placements. Below are my top three:
1. Move high performing Automatic Placementsto Managed Placements - Managing Placements directly gives you the opportunityto control how much budget goes to that Placement (by placing in their ownCampaign), tailor Ad Copy/Creative, and/or adjust bids.
2. Exclude Placements - If a Placement is not performing well foryou, consider blocking your Ads from serving on those Placements.
1. AdjustBids - Just as you can increase/decrease Max CPCs on Keywords,you can also adjust accordingly on Automatic Placements.