Google Ads Update Takes Into Account Quality Of User Navigation Experience

Google Ads Update Takes Into Account Quality Of User Navigation Experience

Google has announced it made some updates to its ad quality where it now takes into account better measurements for understanding the user navigation experience and if that user will or will not be happy with the ad landing page.

Google wrote, they have "recently developed a new prediction model that helps our ads quality systems more precisely capture the quality of your navigation experience when visiting a Search ad's landing page." Google added that they improved its "ability to understand and predict if a Search ad leads to an unexpected destination and doesn't offer other helpful navigation options."

This will result in Gogole showing you "fewer ads like this, reducing these types of negative experiences for people searching on Google."

Google explained how this poor experience works with these three screenshots. Google wrote:

For instance, if you click on an ad looking for a login page, but land on a promotion instead, a good experience depends on how quickly you can find the login page from there. If it’s not easily accessible you'll probably return to Google Search to try again, and that’s not time well spent.

Google added that "while landing page content has always been a key aspect we look at, this update emphasizes the importance of relevant content and easy-to-navigate landing pages. These changes will improve your Search experience by making it easier for you to find the information you’re looking for — and help drive long-term value to advertisers."

Google recommends to advertisers that they look at their landing pages and make sure they are navigable and can help people go to where they go.



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