Google Ads Case Study for E-commerce

Google Ads Case Study for E-commerce

We've been working with a Google Ads client at JC Digital for awhile now, and during the first six months managing their account, we increased profits (not revenue, profit) by 16%. This was nearly 7-figures of additional bottom line growth for our client. How did we?unleash our client’s maximum potential and exceed their expectations in driving our vision and mission?

It all started with a comprehensive and holistic Google Ads approach?– providing them with an end-to-end solution. One eCommerce Google Ads benefit at a time.

At JC Digital, we do not recommend a “one size fits all” package. Instead, we always provide a completely tailored solution – to drive results aligned to specific goals and KPIs.

The Google Ads Solution Stack

Five ways we tackled the challenging terrain.

With our cutting-edge Google Ads expertise with over 12 years of industry-leading experience, we knew that for this particular eCommerce client, we’d need to deploy?our 5 top techniques?to drive rapid impact. It’s what we do when we are looking to grow our eCommerce clients with Google Ads.

It's a dedication and commitment to the game and a knowhow of not only the ads world but also funnels, analytics and business in general.

It was this laser-focused approach that helped us scale this brand using the following immediate actions:

#1 - Analytics and Tracking

Your advertising efforts are only as good as your tracking and analytics. Over-reported, under-reported or not reported are all bad outcomes for your data.

And on top of that even with the best and most accurate data in the world, if you don't know how to interpret it and make decisions based off of it, you will be a feather in the wind -- who knows where your performance will end up.

At JC Digital, we always start every engagement with a review of your tracking and analytics and either provide an audit for you team to make changes, or our team makes appropriate changes across GA4, Shopify and other 3-party analytics tools.

For this client, we worked closely with their dev team to update all key conversion events, so that every stage of the funnel was tracking both internally and within the ads platforms. Prior to that, there was zero confidence in their data which led to poor or slow decision-making. By making improvements to their tracking we also increased founder and executive-level confidence in the numbers, giving us a greater ability to support organizational change (*scaling is hard and often requires difficult conversations and challenging decisions within organizations. If you don't trust your data it is very hard to have these conversations*).

#2 - Proper Account Structure

Having an appropriate account structure is an oft-overlooked yet critical component of any Google Ads scaling strategy.

The goal should always be to limit your campaigns and ad groups as much as you can (dependent on the level of budget) so that the algorithm is best able to optimize.

For this particular eCommerce client what that meant was splitting campaigns by top geography with only 3 to 5 core ad groups representing core product groups, as well as one DSA.

We also layered on a Performance Max campaign, which can be hit or miss with brands. What I've found is that if you have enough conversion data and search campaigns that are converting efficiently, then you have a good chance of seeing success with PMax. In addition, you need to be adding any winning search terms from your PMax campaigns to your relevant search campaigns (as exact matches). This will often allow your search campaigns to serve for these terms rather than let PMax steel the ad placement (a good thing).

In doing this, we were able to scale PMax efficiently while also capturing demand in search.

#3 - Embracing the Machine

Having run campaigns since the days when manual CPC reigned supreme, we are hesitant to turn everything over to the machine (you've seen The Terminator, right?).

But the reality is that Google wants large amounts of data and narrower account structure.

So we have to find a happy medium.

For us that is grouping keywords into minimal ad groups (as discussed) and starting most campaigns with a hybrid approach (e.g. eCPC) until there is enough data to move to smart bidding.

In the case of this client, we did just that, and even went as far as to target an add to cart event until we had enough conversions per month to move down funnel to a purchase event.

We did this for each of our focus geographies.

Then when metrics changed dramatically within an ad group or campaign, we knew it was a signal that there was opportunity to improve things. For example, high impression volume in one ad group across a few keywords enabled us to split these out into separate ad groups, therefore enabling more control, while still giving the algo what it wants (that sweet, sweet data).

#4 - Killer Ad Copy

It's incredible how many businesses I've seen who have sub-par ad copy in their Google Ads account.

For some reason, because Google Ads search placements are short, somewhat formulaic and restrictive, advertisers think they can just slap the keyword in there and some other random words and you'll generate sales.

This is so far from the truth it's laughable. (I'm literally LOLing right now)

Good ad copy -- irregardless of whether it's on a sales page, a search ad or a billboard -- can build brands.

So we focused heavily on crafting highly engaging and converting ad copy that was specific to our keyword themes, geography and audience for all of our Google Ads.

For all of our Google Ads eCommerce clients we ensure our ad copy:

  • Aligns with the search query and user intent
  • Sparks prospect interest so they click
  • Fulfills a promise

Other tactics we used to generate 14-18% CTRs on non-branded searches, included:

  • Geo + number (e.g. "New York's #1 pizza delivery...")
  • Calls to action (e.g. "Free Delivery")
  • Imperative verbs (e.g. "Buy our", "Try now")
  • DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion) sparingly

#5 - Patience

It sounds so obvious and mundane, but the ability to exercise patience is critical to Google Ads success.

It's something we espouse to all our clients or any founder or team we are advising.

You have to let the algorithm breath. With large changes that means waiting upwards of 2 to 4 weeks, which is difficult. We all just want to press those buttons!

But you must refrain my young Padawan.

By employing patience with all of our Google Ads eCommerce clients we typically see an increase in ROI simply from the fact we haven't over optimized.

Now, this doesn't imply that you should under optimize. That too is bad. But you should avoid the temptation of randomly making changes because you have a "gut feeling".

Hate to break it to you, but Google has better insights than your gut. Trust them.

Let's Recap

Our Google Ads eCommerce client was able to add nearly a million dollars in bottom line revenue to their business within 6 months with a Google Ads approach that focused on:

  • Deploying proper analytics and tracking
  • Creating a Google Ads account structure that was simple yet effective
  • Embracing the smart bidding machine while still providing a balance so as not to relinquish full control to the Terminator (er, Google)
  • Crafting killer ad copy that spoke to the audience and their needs and intents
  • Employing patience to let the algo learn

If you run a 7 or 8 figure eCommerce or tech brand and are looking for similar results with your Google Ads, then send me a DM or visit us at

To your growth,


Siddik Ahmed Shahan

Meta Ads & Google Ads Specialist → I help businesses scale their sales in 90 days ?? with Paid Advertising | Digital Marketer with 2.5+ Years of experience | Facebook Ads | Search Ads | Performance Marketing

10 个月

Thanks, I learnt a good e-commerce strategy from your case study. And I'll apply this strategy to my client's e-commerce business


