You can do anything if you just put your mind to it. You can make anything happen if you go right for it and work with the needed people. The only one who can stop you is you, so start living your life believing and having confidence in you. There is an unlimited source of energy embedded in you and the first thing the world tries to do is suppress them. Everything going against you can either stop you or drive you to your destination.
How you stand and where you place yourself matters a lot with how far you can get. If you are not holding your ground you will always be an object and never the subject. You are made for greatness; don’t let people control your energy and life direction. Be in charge of yourself and always channel your energy to worthwhile use. Don’t be selfish, greedy or envious; for that is the beginning of your fall and the loss of what is you have.
If you bite more than you can chew, you can’t even speak for self. If you carry more than what is needed now, you will slow down your own journey. If you are coveting someone’s life, you’re already wasting quality time you should be spending living the best of your own life. Love yourself; be grateful for what you have and who you are. There is no limit to what you can achieve if you can give yourself that self-boost from deep inside…
#PS: On Saturday I watched my day one friend like brother Kaycee Delado Oguejiofor made what they said he can’t do happen great. I must say I am proud to SHOUT OUT to ALT 19 SUMMER FEST with Ycee at the #MuriOkunolaPark Victoria Island, Lagos for the great event night. I had a great time of my life #ichie16 #iamycee #Dremo #LAX #Dapo2burna #Ebay #nappygirl #MTvbase #Popcentral #MaxTv #UpcomingArtist #AltSummerFest and everyone that made the night Magical.
#MondayMotivation #MondayInspiration #MondayTalk #MondayMagic #MondayMusic #MondayReview #MondayWork #MondayWalk #MondayWord #MondayWorld #MondayLife #MondayLive #MondayNigeria #MondayLagos #MondayAfrica #MondayCandy #Kandybeat #Temiyato #Bless