Goodbye January, hello February.
January is a pretty interesting month. It reminds me of moving houses. At first, you are elated to be getting a new space, but the joy quickly turns into exhaustion & sadness, because of the activities associated with settling down. But once settled in and now enjoying? the new home, it makes it all worth it.
Similarly, we are always excited for a new year, setting new goals and coming up with strategies and systems on how to achieve them. But, once the year begins we become plagued with the burden of figuring how to have those systems running and generally settling in.
This illustration sums up how January has been for me, the joy of new beginnings and the struggle of getting my? systems in place. Whilst this will be a continuous process through Q1 .I'm happy at the progress I've made and? picked up 5 valuable lessons which I will share in this post?
This article is my way of bidding the January farewell and welcoming February. I hope you picked up valuable lessons to incorporate into your own life too.
Thank you for reading, kindly like, comment, and share.
#JanuaryBlues #NewYearResolution#PersonalGrowth #SystemsThinking #GoalSetting #Discipline #12WeekYear#LinkedInNetwork #CareerGoals #OpenToConnect #LifeBalance #JamesClear #AtomicHabits #ChimamandaNgoziAdichie #ProductivityHacks #LawStudentLife #Motivation #WelcomeFebruary