Good workers hard to find? If the unemployment rate is 3.9% why are so many people out of work?
Barbra Breslauer
Sales, Customer Retention, Social Media, Marketing, Publicist My company is Music Promo BHT which specializes in organic marketing.
There are two sides to every coin. On the one hand many, many people have found good paying jobs. Many of these better positions are filled by younger Millennial's.
There are also, plenty and plenty of service work and telephone sales positions available. Fact is no one can live on minimum wage and sales positions are all about stats and commissions. If you don't meet quota or you can't follow a script you are out.
Interestingly older job seekers deal with constant offers to sell Life Insurance! Yes, if you want to study for and pay for an insurance license and sell on commission you have a job! In fact, an interesting thing about selling life insurance is the residual income aspect of it which works like interest on a savings account. Every time you renew your Life Insurance policy (even if it is on automatic renewal) your agent gets paid a commission.
Older workers are more reliable and company loyal where as Millennial's often stay at a job less than a year.
- Older job seekers have been forced into early retirement because they were no longer cost effective to the company due to higher benefit costs.
- Others have given up the job search.
- Some have taken part-time employment which takes them out of the unemployment system.
- After your unemployment benefits have run out you are no longer tracked by the system giving false numbers.
According to The new age of job seekers now look for jobs 24/7. This is mostly done on mobile devices. 79% of job seekers use social media and 80% use twitter mobile. Many job seekers 57% of current workers are looking for a new position and 45% will jump ship and go to another employer. 91% of millennials are those born in the 1970-80's plan on staying at a position 3 years or less and 30% plan on leaving in a year!!!
At a recent event put on by Monster and Tampa Bay Times, Tribune and St. Petersburg Times a live employee search was made. The employer had a very specific type of engineer that they were looking for however, when they took that one word out of the search criteria several good candidates were visible. Human Resource personnel only spend 30 seconds of time looking at your resume and most are first run through scanning machines looking for key words. Even when you have key words if they are not in the right order the scanner machine may not pick them up. Words such a Bachelor degree may not even appear if you used B.A. instead or vice versa depending on how the computer program was set up. This is true since no matter where and how I put my Bachelor's degree on my resume I have to point it out during the interview process along with my Associates degree.
On my LinkedIn profile I have marked the "Let recruiters know you're open" setting on for over a year now without recruiters contacting me. I have applied for, been interviewed by and tested by Cognizant on several occasions only to be told that my personality profile does not fit the square peg that they have for the position. Who wants a clone anyway? Isn't innovation, imagination and think outside the box thinking what they are all about?
I keep hearing reports that employers can't find quality candidates. I say the hiring system needs to be re-evaluated. There are plenty of people who want to work but don't fit the square peg that employers are looking for. Look beyond the computer search engine. Look for real people!