Good vs Evil
As I said, I met many angels over the last year. And I completely understand now why the book Angels and Demons was written. I also learned while doing research on my family, that we had slaves, in the North, mind you, and after all my time doing SWOTs in the South I'm still perplexed on what really happened during the Civil War, but I will also say, if you go to Pensacola and do research on DeLuna, you will understand perhaps we weren't actually taught real history, but I digress. I'm going to point something out, ALL lives matter, and most importantly ANIMALS matter. There is a special place in HELL for anyone that hurts and/or mistreats an animal and in my opinion they are God's greatest gifts. After my iPad was stolen out of storage, of which all will be returned, and the banks were about to collapse, I did what the pastor the other Sunday said God wanted us to do. I took what little I had and put it back into something I could add value to, as the word inflate, just doesn't resonate with me. Now, again, my entire life was stolen, including a car key, and before having to sleep on the street after this photo was taken, this man, right here, paid for half of my car key. Now, albeit it, not before he prayed for me, as he was reading the Bible on his phone. I will tell you this, I've never read the Bible, until now. I've written about my journey finding my faith on a former blog, but I also never realized Satan was depicted in the bible, but I will tell you that Satan surely exists in this world and as he said, as it is written, Satan will not win, but he surely is trying. I apologized to this man on behalf of my white ancestors and he said: "I don't see color". While he did not ask for this hat, I gave it to him, as its one of my @findsxgervais (please do not reach out on that hacked handle either), which was to be in honor of the love of my father's life. A German, mind you, born during the war, and someone who died 3 months before him. Gervais is the French side of my family and the German side of my family funded the Big 3, so this photo could not be anymore fitting. While in Atlanta, I became known as a stylist, not that I ever intended on reinventing myself, it was just something I am passionate about and it was a way to take what little money I had, so that I could make more. I asked if I could take this photo, styled the shot and of course put my Pandi in as a cameo, since she is the reason I am alive and walking today. As my father said, the best thing I ever did, but she too, has been hurt and is now being medicated from her trauma. I'm also going to point this out, you don't accuse of dog of making something up when it reacts to its abuse. Gaslighting is evil and a part of my lymestrong campaign. Thank you to this man and for those of you that don't get it, this is called being the change. Looking at history and shining light on it.