Director- Imperial Money Pvt. Ltd.| #Financial Services entrepreneur | #Mutual Funds Distributor | Certified #Retirement Advisor |#Transformer | #Trainer | #Author | #Blogger | #Youtuber | #NLP Certified Practisioner
5 learnings from the book "Good Vibes, Good Life" by Vex King:
1) Raise Your Vibration:- The book emphasizes the Law of Attraction, suggesting that your thoughts influence your reality. Focusing on positive thoughts and emotions can raise your vibration and attract more positive experiences into your life.
2) Self-Love is Key: - The book argues that self-love is crucial for happiness and fulfillment. It encourages you to cultivate self-acceptance, practice positive self-talk, and prioritize your well-being.
3) Cultivate Gratitude:- The book highlights the importance of gratitude in attracting positive experiences. By appreciating what you already have, you open yourself up to receiving more abundance.
4) Take Charge of Your Reactions: - While you can't control everything that happens to you, you can control how you react. The book teaches you to choose your responses and maintain a positive outlook.
5) Boundaries are Important:- "Good Vibes, Good Life" suggests that setting healthy boundaries with toxic people is necessary to protect your energy and well-being. It's okay to prioritize your peace and happiness. #income #financialfreedom #retirement #startups #research #jci #bni #money #cfo #ceoinsight #cfoforum #digitalmarketing #business #retirment #finance #assetmamagment #valueinvesting #economics #economy #markets #microeconomics #financial #sip #mutualfund #mfd #mutualfundsahihai #investing #mf #sip #sipkaromastraho #sips #mutualfunds #mutualfundsahihai #mutualfundinvestment #mutualfund #mutualfundsindia #mutualfundsdistributor #mutualfunddistributor #mutualfundsip #ceos #ceoforum #ceo #ceooutlook #ceointerview #ceoleadership #ceoinsights #cfoservices #cfos #cfoinsights #cfocommunity #india #innovation #management #technology #creativity #future #humanresources #futurism #enterpreneurship #careers #marketing #socialmedia #venturecapital #socialnetworking #branding #motivation #advertisingandmarketing #jobinterview #bankingindustry #sustainability #personalbranding #hiringandpromotion ##education #customerrelations #productivity #bestadvice #bigdata #gettingthingsdone #businessintelligence #analytics #socialentrepreneurs #strategy #culture #networking #leadership #cryptocurrency #realestate #booklovers #bookstagram #books #booklover #bookworm #book #bookish #bookaddict Imperial Money Pvt. Ltd. Investment Sahi...Future Sahi...