It is a Good Time to Be Alive!
Stathis Stasis
Certified Financial and Insurance Advisor at EuroLife Ltd - Olympian - MDRT Top of the Table Member . 29 911 + Connections
It is a good time to be alive! Life spans are longer, people are enjoying life more, and there is an increasing tendency towards investing in experiences rather than material things. Life is good in the 21st century, and it seems that it will continue being so for years to come.
During their working lives, people get used to a certain lifestyle, as such is funded by their paycheck. They send their children to the schools of their choice, they take up the hobbies they desire, and they go in that dreamy two-week vacation to Hawaii in the summer. They get attached to this lifestyle, as they get to live it for 30 or 40 years; for the totality of their working lives. But what happens when they hit the retirement mark, in their early 60s?
Some people see ahead. They start saving early on in their lives, preparing their nest egg for the golden years that lie far on the horizon. If you start saving at 30 compared to waiting until you are 40 to do so, it has a huge impact on your retirement funds; a lessening one. When it comes to planning for your retirement, the earlier the better. And the century we are living in, makes it all the more important.
The greater longevity that people get to enjoy nowadays, means that their nest eggs must be bigger, if they are to continue enjoying all those things they loved doing when they were working, let alone up the ante and live those years as if they are truly golden. The state pension that people start receiving upon their retirement, is never analogous to the salary they were earning, but merely represents a fraction of it. Supplementary income in the form of savings is key, and this must come from the outside; from one’s own actions. It also has to take into account that, during the past century, people have added 30 years to their life expectancy. Fact.
Setting in place a private pension plan can take the form of a deus ex machina when you will be needing it the most. An early and proper such set up, will ensure that the retiree can fall back on a very important safety net, which will remain there for the whole span of his golden years. Simply relying on a pension to live through your retirement, can see you making ends meet, sure. But a person who has spent a lifetime working, 40 constant years of blood, sweat and tears in order to provide for his family, and has just exited her place of business for the last time, she doesn’t simply want to survive on a meagre pension. No, she wants to thrive; to go out and enjoy her new life to the utmost. She wants to make the most out of her remaining time, and that time nowadays is plenty and long. That’s where the pension plan comes calling, either in the form of a one-off, lump sum payment, or in a series of monthly payments for the retiree’s lifetime. The deus ex machina in full action.
Mankind’s greatest and most admirable achievements are the evolution of the human species, the betterment of its life conditions, and the prolongment of its life span. Living longer, though, comes with a price. Living longer and better, costs even more. They say that the 21st century will be among the most exciting centuries that man has ever experienced. Let us make sure of that.
To see how EuroLife’s private pension products can help you plan your retirement in the most successful way, you can contact Mr. Stathis Stasis, Business Insurance Advisor, at 99-531119, or through e-mail at [email protected]. For more information on a wide range of life planning options, you can visit Stathis’ website at