Good Things Come When We Care About Each Other
This story is based on true events from my recent personal life. I hope whoever reads it, sees the beauty behind it, and then shares it with someone who will appreciate it.
A few months ago I went to a bar next to my college with one of my friends. He had just come back from a competition, so he was still in his suit. I got there a bit before him, so I had already ordered my beer. After he sat down with his cocktail, I told him it looked good so he offered me a sip.
A few seconds later, a bartender walked over to our table. She asked if she could speak with me in private. I followed her to behind the bar. I thought I was in trouble for something, so I was quite nervous. It turns out, I wasn’t in trouble at all. The first thing she said was, “Do you know that man?” I told her yes, we had been very close friends for almost 4 years. She then looked really embarrassed and said, “Oh I’m so sorry. Since he was awkward while ordering his drink, I panicked when I saw you take a sip of it. Many people get drugged by strangers and I wanted to make sure you are safe.” I was so shocked. No one had ever checked in on me at a bar before, and I usually would go with my guy friends. I told her that since he’s tall, people usually think he is scary, but he is actually just a big softy. She apologized again and asked me not to tell him because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I stopped her and said, “No no no. He would be thrilled that someone cared about his friend’s wellbeing. It’s really great of you to go out of your way to check on others. Thank you.” I returned back to my seat, and told my friend what had happened. He laughed very hard. Just like I had thought, he was thrilled that good people like that bartender really do exist. So was I.
Flash forward to a week ago on a Friday night. I was with my mom at an outdoor bar, sitting by a fire pit. I saw these two girls who looked about my age. They were on the other side of the fire pit. Then, I saw this much older man pull up a chair right next to one of them. I wasn’t going to say anything, but then I thought of that bartender from a few months ago. So I decided to check in. I made eye contact with one of the girls, and then made a subtle gesture to the man, while quietly asking if she knew him. She then, very loudly, said “Oh are you asking if I know him? He’s my best friend’s dad!” She pointed to her friend sitting next to her. I immediately was so embarrassed. The guy, who was sitting right next to me, looked over at me. He then said, “Were you asking about me? If she knew me?” I swear my heart stopped for a second before I said, “Yes. I’m so SO sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything!” He then leaned in and smiled. “You have no idea how happy and relieved you just made me. I go to bars with my daughter a lot. The only question we ever got was ‘are you two dating?’. No one has ever asked her or her friend if they are ok. As a father, it makes me so happy to know that there are women like you out there looking after my girls, even though you don’t even know them. Thank you so much.” His words made me feel so emotional.?
A few minutes later, he shook hands with my mother and said, “You should be so proud. Your daughter is an amazing woman.” My mom agreed. Then, the dad and I started up a conversation. Apparently he used to ski in the area that I grew up in. Before he left, he thanked me again. I realized how important it is to care about everyone. Even if you don’t know them yet. Maybe one day he or his daughter will ask another young person at a bar if they are ok.