Good Support In Short Supply
Good support Seems to be in short supply these days. I keep hearing it from Loan Officers from other companies. Conversely, I just received this email from one of our LOs who is quite pleased with the support he receives:
"Just wanted to let you guys know about the above purchase file:
Wrote loan Tuesday night
Turned in to my assistant Wednesday
LOA sent to Processor Wednesday
Processor sent to UW Wednesday
UW approved file Wednesday night around 10,
Great job by all, thanks"
If you find yourself a position where you're not getting the support you need and need a safe place to go where your company will support you and pay you well, you need to call me. Your family's future depends on it. Make the change to MSI and start planning for your future instead of spending sleepless nights worrying about your loans.
Vice President
MSI is federally regulated. Loan Officers need only have their NMLS registration to originate for MSI. Loan Officer state license is not required. Most Loan Officers who have recently joined us have increased their income 75% or more. Lending in 35 states.
The postings on this site are my own and do not represent MSI's opinions or positions.