A good summary of events by Alexandra Chalupa. FYI

Alexandra Chalupa

Thu, Jun 25,

Washington, D.C. is a small community where information travels quickly, as it did shortly after the 2016 election when Mike Pence was quietly telling people, or so he thought, not to worry because Donald Trump would only be president for 4-6 months tops because Trump was not well, he was very sick, and would have to resign soon into his first term.  His confidence mirrored that of his statements during  the election, when Pence assured top Republicans and donors not to worry because he would be the “Dick Cheney” of the Trump administration; the real guy in charge.  Of course, there’s always someone listening, especially when you’re involved deep within the Russian mafia inner circle of Washington political power.

Pence, a spineless coward who used to suck up to his college administrative heads to the point that he even ratted out his own fraternity brothers for their keg parties, soon learned the hard way what it means to upset a Russian mafia boss, especially one who is mentally unhinged and backed by an even bigger mob boss - Vladimir Putin. 

Maybe Pence was confident because he too had secured his own Russian backing. After all, his vice presidency could not have been possible without the blessing and help of Putin’s favorite American political operative Paul Manafort who ensured his own protege Nick Ayers served by Pence’s side; first on the transition team and then in the Vice President’s office. Nick’s  church in Georgia - the Church of the Apostles - had “many, many, many” of its members planted on the Trump-Pence campaign according to his minister Dr. Michael Youssef, a dear friend of Pence and “mother” who prayed with them often and is seen in his video sermons preaching how the U.S. Constitution plays a secondary role to their religious agenda. 

One of the first prominent religious events that Pence keynoted? The May 2017 Washington Summit on Religious Violence Against Christians, a meeting cooked up in 2015 during Kremlin loyalist evangelical leader Franklin Graham’s annual visit to Moscow where he presented the idea for the summit directly to Putin, received his blessings, and then spent the rest of his trip brainstorming with the head Russian Orthodox leadership. At the event, Pence met behind closed doors with Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev of Moscow who announced to the press that he couldn’t wait to personally update Putin about their productive visit, the content of which we still do not know. 

For those few who are not familiar, the Russian  Orthodox Church is a militarized extension of the Kremlin’s disinformation warfare network, there is no religious freedom in Russia, Christians and other religious leaders are constantly persecuted and repressed, and the real Russian Orthodox priests were purged many years ago and now include only Christofascist political operatives of destruction who promote war and spew their Kremlin authorized propaganda on a Russian television network that was started by Jack Hannick, the former producer of Trump and Manafort’s good friend Sean Hannity and funded by a Russian Orthodox oligarch who also helped fund parts of Putin’s invasion of Crimea and whose loyalist were propped up as leaders there and in the war zone Putin created in eastern Ukraine where his death and destruction continues today. In fact, because Ukraine finally broke away from the Russian Orthodox Church under its former western-backed President Poroshenko, that’s one of the reasons it’s current Moscow-backed President Zelenskyy (Yanukovych 2.0) is trying to imprison Poroshenko, the way Trump wants to imprison Hillary, Obama, Biden, and the list of the rest of us outlined in that book Spygate and listed in the letters Kremlin stooge Devin Nunes made public a few days leading up to the Trump-Putin Helsinki Treason Summit in July 2018. 

Back to Pence....As the not-so-bright guy went around town sure that he would soon go from number 2 to number 1 in charge, dozens of top mental health experts and national security experts, most notably the coalition led by Yale’s Dr. Bandy Lee, warned during the election and every day since, including in two top selling books and multiple conferences, and countless meetings on the Hill, that Donald Trump exhibited serious signs of psychiatric problems and neurological deterioration that posed a national security crisis that was a ticking time bomb and certain to start detonating, it was just a matter of time. 

But Donald Trump never resigned. Instead, he took secretive physicals and his advisors hid his test results, with lying White House propagandists who insisted the doctors gave him the stamp of good health, “the best of any president,” we were told of the morbidly obsess narcissist who clearly could not process information and is not well.

Yes, it was true that Donald Trump was ill then as he is now and that Pence had every justified reason to have worked with Republican leaders to execute the 25th Amendment, Section 4 to protect him and the presidency, ensuring he received the medical care he desperately needs.  This would not have been an act of betrayal but an act of compassion for Donald Trump and to protect the nation; after all, Vladimir Putin knows better than most how sick Trump is and how easy he is to manipulate, and he continues to take advantage of this to Trump’s detriment and the nation’s They all knew how severe the situation was, they all spoke about it privately as some Republicans have admitted, and they all took advantage of it to push their agendas of greed. John Bolton, part of Dick Cheney’s gang of war criminals who sacrificed our men and women serving in the military to wage a war in Iraq on false pretenses, certainly knew.  But Bolton, a long time well paid client of the MEK, a group that he and Rudy Giuliani helped take off the State Department’s terrorist list, had an agenda to take us to war with Iran and thought he too could manipulate Trump to execute his war agenda; and when that failed he cashed out to write a book and left our nation hanging during an impeachment trial that he then had the audacity to criticize.  Democratic leaders have known too about the severity of Trump’s neurological decline and inability to understand basic information as he’s illustrated publicly countless times.  

But far from an intellectual and lacking any moral courage whatsoever, Mike Pence did not intervene to help Donald Trump. No one did. They left him to worsen. Instead, months into the Trump presidency, Pence found himself on national television, seated across from Trump at a White House meeting where he was made to praise the “chosen one” before millions of viewers, thanking Trump for being a strong and great leader. Americans watched in disbelief, wondering if this unusual scene was really happening in America or did we warp into a foreign authoritarian state. Little did most know then, the severity of Moscow’s grip on our government and that we were being pulled quickly into full blown tyranny, ruled by a mad man incapable of empathy and who operates in his own reality, far disconnected from truth and who works against everting in the interest of our nation, until he finally spun us into this turbulent, life and nation-threatening chaos. 

Has Donald Trump had a psychiatric evaluation since stepping foot in the White House? Again, Washington, D.C. is a small town and some of us are very good at learning important information. As of February of this year, he was not evaluated by Dr. Kevin Cannard the White House neurologist at Walter Reed; and in fact has been blocked from being in the same room as him.  Those in the White House who prevented his treatments need to be held accountable for endangering him and the office of the presidency. As do some of his inner circle Republican enablers outside the White House. We still don’t know why he had an emergency visit to Walter Reed late last year or whether his doctors warned him that his health is too vulnerable to run for re-election. In its ongoing war on truth, even this important information is strategically buried endangering all of us. G-d forbid he has a heart attack and passes; the GOP will use it’s powerful propaganda chorus to find a way to enrage his base and falsely blame Democrats, claiming some crazy conspiracy that will then put every Democratic elected leader in further harms way from the unhinged segment of his supporters who aren’t able to tell fact from fiction. 

When the impeachment trial took place because Donald Trump was caught red handed abusing his power by strong arming Ukraine, a U.S. ally to coerce it to help him cheat in the 2020 election and persecute his opponents based on Kremlin originated narratives and weakening it for Putin while he escalated his aggressions, the only legitimate defense Republicans had was arguing that Donald Trump was so mentally unwell that he was unfit to stand trial and would be denied due process if forced to. But instead, despite knowing how ill he is, they decided to execute a robust campaign centered around Kremlin propaganda that blamed Ukraine, prosecutors, the intelligence community, and anyone else who tried to protect the nation from Putin’s hybrid warfare during the 2016 election and its aftermath. They knowingly ignored the only justifiable defense and instead granted the mad man full reign to continue to abuse power, unchecked. Every single one of the Republican Senators except for one, committed an act of treason when they voted against the U.S. constitution and sided with a hostile foreign enemy’s installed, mentally unhinged asset who has abused his power to hurt U.S. institutions, America’s standing in the world, fueled chaos and division, while checking off the long to-do list Putin has provided Trump. Every single one of those Republican Senators, except for one, knowingly put Americans in danger, and more than 123,000 deaths and counting have been lost as a result.

Today, Donald Trump’s psychiatric problems, severe neurological decline, and inability to process basic information are no longer up for debate. What we’re seeing of his behavior displayed in public view is likely tame compared to his behavior that’s displayed behind closed doors, but it’s serious and blatantly obvious enough that we no longer need experts to sound the alarm bells. Trump is sounding them himself with his behavior  and yet no one, not his grifter children who day dream of playing president , or his Russian intelligence operation of a wife who is miserably playing the role of First Lady, care about him more than their own greed and hunger for power. His advisors certainly don’t, and Republican leaders with power rather let him suffer until after they use him to try to steal the 2020 election with Putin’s full support and Russian mafia unlimited financing.

The problem is that the line has been drawn and that this election year is a hybrid war zone with patriots trying to defend what’s left of the U.S. and while the enemy has control of the power at the highest levels of office, making it a hundred times more challenging to stop at the ballot box than it was in 2016.  The more polls show that Donald Trump doesn’t have the optics to pull off another election heist as easily as he and Putin did in 2016, the more dangerous the situation becomes. He’s shown us that he’s willing to execute a full scorched earth strategy, all while being handled by Putin guiding him every step of the way. 

To date, Donald Trump’s lethal response to COVID-19 - his actions and inactions - has caused more deaths than all the combined biggest natural disasters - all the hurricanes and earthquakes - in U.S. history.  At the current rate of escalation, in the coming weeks it will surpass the death toll of the 2004 tsunami, one of the deadliest natural disasters in modern history.  The economic impact his response has created is even more devastating, spiraling us into a Great Depression level red zone, as unemployment numbers continue to grow. The pandemic continues to worsen in states that followed his lead, and all experts warn it will continue to get worse under his lethal leadership with Putin in the driver’s seat. Under normal leadership, prioritizing scientific guidance and the best interests of the country, we would be clear of the pandemic and on par with other nations that successfully dealt with the crisis.  Instead, we’re number one in the world for cases and deaths and devastating economic impact. 

Just as alarming, with this week’s  announcement that the EU will  ban travelers from America, Russia, and Brazil; coupled with the continued clash between Donald Trump and our top NATO allies as he continues to work for Putin and against U.S. interests, it’s increasingly clear that the U.S. is being viewed as a Russian occupied satellite state, a fallen world leader that’s spinning in chaos, with a mad tyrant, beholden to Putin whose low is bottomless and will do anything and everything to hold onto power, and whose first term was a path of destruction, and second will lock in a full blown dictatorship.  

An election that provides Americans with a choice between a loyal American former Vice President with a big heart and strong record of standing up to Moscow versus an insane traitor who cheats, murders, steals, lacks empathy, and works for Putin, is not a fair election.  It’s a hostage situation. It’s playing Russian roulette with our democracy, or what’s left of it, and with everything at stake.

While it’s comfortable to hope for a November victory, one that seems destined to be won by the good guys who will save the day, this isn’t a Disney movie, it’s war.  The sooner we acknowledge this, the better we can protect ourselves.  Especially given with what Bill Barr, one of the most compromised and dangerous men in America,  has in store as his “end of summer” surprise with John Durham releasing their final coverup of Putin’s attack on our democracy as they threaten to fraudulently prosecute Trump’s enemies list based on his “Spygate” or “Obamagate” conspiracies they’ve cooked up with the direct help of the Kremlin. After all, everything is on the line for the increasingly weak and pathetic Putin with this election too.  And Barr has already made clear he doesn’t play by the rules, anything goes.

At this rate, Donald Trump is increasingly suffering and weaker than ever before.  He’s becoming more unhinged as his 1,000,000- person rally his campaign manager Brad Parscale promised him turned out to be a 6,000 person dud of an event, one that never capped the tickets and showed his support is dwindling; and one that should never have been held in the midst of a pandemic. Brad is one of Manafort’s other protégés who works closely with Nick Ayers and who spent time last year in Romania meeting with the Putin-friendly Romanian Patriarch and where he announced the campaign’s 1 billion Facebook ad investment. We don’t know what other strategy meetings he had that visit. 

Brad delivered on the Arizona event though. This week, Donald Trump endangered the lives of another 4,000 of his followers, but young people this time who filled a mega church that lied to them about having a “special device” it invented that could wipe out COVID-19 from the venue. They didn’t wear masks. 

Every person who attends these potentially lethal campaign events and contracts COVID-19, and/or infects others, and who dies as a result, should result in RICO murder charges for those who are responsible organizing the events. We know that quite a few of the campaign’s advance team contracted the virus and according to the campaign’s own event’s disclaimer, it’s foreseeable that attendees would contract it. We’ve already seen the cases spike in Tulsa since his rally.

Trump has announced he will do everything in his power to try to stop testing for the virus because he doesn’t want the numbers to come to light, despite that testing and data are vital to our ability to contain the pandemic’s spread. Trump’s own health advisors are warning that the “coronavirus pandemic has driven America to its knees amid a disturbing surge in cases,” as CNN reported a couple days ago.  This is not an accident or mismanagement but being done on orders or Vladimir Putin to destroy the United States and there are too many compromised Republican elected officials as to make it impossible for the GOP to contain; they’re all terrified of Putin.  Some have proven more concerned with fighting Twitter than protecting American lives from the pandemic.  Some are going out of their way to gaslight the public about the seriousness even while acknowledging that at least 5% of those who catch the virus will die. They’re fine with that. 

While this inanity continues, Democrats are doing everything in their power to help elect Joe Biden, raising more than $7 million in one online event that will be used against the billions Putin is covertly pumping in to help Trump and while the GOP does everything in its power to make voting as difficult to participate in and as vulnerable to tampering as possible. 

Democratic leaders have worked in overdrive to stand the line and protect our national security from this international crime syndicate but they need to wake up the dangerous reality and not buy into the normalization of this crisis; it’s time for House leaders to complete the paper work for Donald Trump to have a 72 hour involuntary psychiatric evaluation like experts continue to advise them while the complicit media continues to downplay the crisis.  He’s proven he’s an imminent danger to himself and others; that’s no longer up for debate either. No, this is not a normal response during an election year but nothing is normal; our nation is victim to a coup by a hostile foreign power and the traitors who sold us out to it.  The executive branch is down and every day we’re reminded of the chaos, turmoil, lawlessness, tyranny, and damage being caused as a result. It will continue to get worse if not addressed now.  How can we operate off a norm that has been made clear no longer exists? There’s been almost no accountability since 2016, only a continued coverup and we’ve gone backwards in the little accountability that there has been as we saw this week with a recent court ruling on GRU asset Michael Flynn and the fact that Putin’s guy Paul Manafort is out of prison and fully operational during his comfortable home confinement. 

Abnormal circumstances require outside the box action to be taken, especially when such action is in the best interests of protecting the office of the presidency and its current occupant so that America’s greatest enemy can’t continue to manipulate him against Americans, costing unimaginable death and destruction. Putin’s end game is to destroy the United States, we can’t let him. He’s done a lot of damage so far but the nightmare we’re living now may be the good old days in the coming weeks or months. Lives are at stake and time is running out to save this nation.  The next level of moral courage from Congressional leaders is needed now.


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