Good Stuff Can Happen Without A Checklist
Catherine Cantey - - Business Vitality? Podcast Host
As we hit mid fourth quarter, you are sharing crucial strategies for setting ourselves up for success in the upcoming year.
Early Birds Get the Worms: Planning for Success
You taught me during my banking days that early planning sessions occurred as far back as June and July for the new year. Collaborative strategic planning with boards, advisors, and market research are a crucial step, ensuring businesses aren't caught unprepared for the challenges and opportunities of the new year.
Closing the Gap: Performance Reviews and Self-Assessment
By conducting thorough self-assessments and performance reviews, individuals and teams can identify areas for improvement. One leader creatively addressed a performance gap, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond job descriptions and bringing fresh, innovative ideas to the table.
Building Momentum: Small Steps Toward Success
Small successes, achieved through careful planning and collaborative efforts, lead to larger victories. Starting with a cost-benefit analysis and test small ideas for 30 days. By fostering a culture of creativity and quick responses, momentum is generated, setting the stage for a successful transition into the new year.
Wondering how to do this for your unique job? We can always brainstorm together before the year ends--comment "BRAINSTORM" or book a call.
Thanks for letting me share,
Catherine aka Katie