Good Student vs Bad Student - Which One Are You? Find Out in This Post!
Lightspeed German Learning

Good Student vs Bad Student - Which One Are You? Find Out in This Post!

As a German language coach, I have had the privilege of working with numerous students on their journey towards fluency. Through this experience, I have observed a clear distinction between good students and bad students when it comes to language learning. In this post, we will explore the qualities that differentiate these two types of students, focusing on consistency, humility, and the willingness to take daily action. By understanding these traits, you can determine which category you belong to and make the necessary adjustments to achieve success in your language learning journey.

Consistency: The Key to Success

Consistency is the cornerstone of language learning. It is the daily commitment to practice, study, and engage with the language that leads to progress and fluency. Good students understand this principle and make language learning a priority in their daily lives. They set aside dedicated time each day to practice and immerse themselves in the language, whether it's through reading, listening, speaking, or writing. They embrace the fact that language learning is a long-term process and are willing to put in the consistent effort required to reach their goals.

On the other hand, bad students often make excuses for their lack of consistency. They may claim that they are too busy or don't have enough time to dedicate to language learning. However, it's important to remember that it's not about finding time; it's about making time. Even just a few minutes each day can make a significant difference if used effectively. Bad students fail to prioritize language learning and, as a result, struggle to make progress.

Humility: Removing Your Ego and Taking Feedback

Another characteristic that distinguishes good students from bad students is humility. Good students are humble and open-minded, recognizing that they have much to learn and embracing feedback as an opportunity for growth. They actively seek guidance and feedback from their language coach, teachers, and peers. They are not afraid to ask questions, seek clarification, or admit when they don't understand something. By removing their ego, good students create an environment that fosters learning and improvement.

On the other hand, bad students let their ego get in the way of their progress. They may resist feedback, believing that they know better or that their way of learning is superior. They are hesitant to ask questions or seek help when needed. This mindset hinders their development and limits their potential for growth.

Taking Daily Action: The Power of Small Steps

Good students understand the importance of taking daily action. They break down their language learning goals into manageable tasks and consistently work towards them. They understand that progress is achieved through small, consistent steps rather than sporadic bursts of effort. Good students have a proactive approach to language learning, seeking opportunities to practice and engage with the language every day.

In contrast, bad students often fall into the trap of waiting for the perfect moment or relying on sporadic bursts of motivation. They may believe that they need to set aside large chunks of time to make progress, leading them to procrastinate and delay their language learning efforts. Consequently, they miss out on the cumulative effect of consistent, daily action.


To determine whether you are a good student or a bad student in your language learning journey, assess your consistency, humility, and willingness to take daily action. Good students understand that consistency is the key to success, remove their ego to embrace feedback, and actively engage with the language on a daily basis. By adopting these traits and avoiding excuses, you can position yourself for success and fluency. Remember, every student who has completed my program and reached fluency has done so by being consistent, humble, and ready to ask for and accept feedback. So, which student will you choose to be? The choice is yours.

If you want to learn how to speak German fluently in just 12-16 weeks, then go to my website: and apply for a qualification call.


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