Good sense prevails
Mahesh Vaidya
Director at HPGC Pvt Ltd , Associate consultant with Arete Solutions Pte Ltd & Arete Solutions Sdn Bhd.
Loud noise in public places is almost integral to celebration/festivity in India. Although there are several legislations which are designed to prevent excessive noise and public nuisance, effective implementation and more importantly public participation, had not been adequate.
There being multiple stake holders in this process, regulators/ administrators were somehow not able to consistently and decisively act on violations. Governments decision to impose a blanket ban on use of high decibel noise during the ongoing festivities in a major state, comes a whiff of fresh air.
It is important not to view this as some political stunt but one needs to acknowledge the fact that a decision ( and its implementation ) of such far reaching consequences in a country like India, is certainly a welcome stop forward. Several pressure groups, individual citizens and other stake holders have played their role in ensuring that administration take due cognisance of as serious a matter of noise pollution as this.
Much remains to be done to ensure that noise pollution, in general ,is controlled so as to prevent public nuisance and health & safety issues not only to humans but animals too.
Hope better sense prevails among various stake holders and we see much less air pollution during the upcoming 'Diwali' festival in Nov'18. I am optimistic that citizens will take due precautions to minimise pollution without compromising on their mood to celebrate. A community ( housing society/ cluster of residential localities/ municipal corporations) oriented 'fire crackers show' instead of individual celebration, could go a long way in helping the cause. We can emulate several other countries who mandate this type of celebration.
World needs such positive actions to minimise negative environmental impact to as low as reasonably possible.