The Good Samaritan Program
Charity Begins at Home with Community Involvement
Many people may think that charity should begin at home. It all depends on what people define as “home” it could mean your own house, your community, the wider community or across the globe. Personally, I take my home as my house, but as far as charity goes, I believe that it is also your community. I believe that people should help people who are in need in whatever way suits them; however, I also think that you should help people in your town (community) before helping those whom you cannot see. Helping people in your own community allows you to see the benefits and give back where people have so generously given to you. Although I do not live in Hanley Saskatchewan, with the support of the Town Of Hanley, our company has been afforded the opportunity to create a business within the town. It is for this reason our company has created the Good Samaritan Program.
For our first project under this program, we have donated money to help erect a new fire station for the Town of Hanley. As our development is located within the town, we decided to give back to the community and felt this to be a worthy project. The new fire station will serve the town and greater area surrounding Hanley. The fire station is supported by the community solely by the efforts of volunteer firefighters who give back to the community they live in with their time and commitment.
We have more exciting projects planned and certainly encourage people and businesses within the community and surrounding area that will directly benefit from the new fire station to support the project in whatever way they can.