Good Remnant of the Most Ancient Church

Good Remnant of the Most Ancient Church

Pre-Adamite hypothesis or Pre-Adamism is the belief that humans (or intelligent yet non-human creatures) existed before the Biblical character Adam. This assumption is contrary to beliefs which describe Adam as the first human, as stated in the Bible and the Holy Quran.

Pre-Adamism is therefore distinct from the conventional Abrahamic belief that Adam was the first human. Advocates of this hypothesis are known as "pre-Adamites", along with the humans who they believe existed before Adam. Pre-Adamism has a long history, probably originating in early pagan responses to Abrahamic claims regarding the origins of the human races.

Recorded history or written history is a historical narrative based on a written record or other documented communication. It contrasts with other narratives of the past, such as mythological, oral or archaeological traditions. For broader world history, recorded history begins with the accounts of the ancient world around the 4th millennium BC, and coincides with the invention of writing.

During the Age of Enlightenment, pre-Adamism was adopted widely as a challenge to the Biblical account of human origins, but in the 19th century, the idea was welcomed by advocates of white superiority. A number of racist interpretive frameworks involving the early chapters of Genesis arose from pre-Adamism. Some pre-Adamite theorists held the view that Cain left his family for an inferior tribe described variously as "white Mongols" or that Cain took a wife from one of the inferior pre-Adamic peoples. The idea that Cain's mark was blackness arose in 18th-century Europe and became popular in 19th-century America.

The Anunnaki are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians, and Babylonians. Descriptions of how many Anunnaki there were and what role they fulfilled are inconsistent and often contradictory. In the earliest Sumerian writings about them, which come from the Post-Akkadian period, the Anunnaki are the most powerful deities in the pantheon, descendants of An, the God of the heavens, and their primary function is to decree the fates of humanity. In Inanna's Descent into the Netherworld, the Anunnaki are portrayed as seven judges who sit before the throne of Ereshkigal in the Underworld. Later Akkadian texts, such as 'The Epic of Gilgamesh', follow this portrayal.

During the Old Babylonian period, the Anunnaki were believed to be the chthonic deities of the Underworld, while the Gods of the heavens were known as the Igigi. The ancient Hittites identified the Anunnaki as the oldest generation of Gods, who had been overthrown and banished to the Underworld by the younger Gods.

In Hurrian and Hittite mythology, the oldest generation of Gods was believed to have been banished by the younger Gods to the Underworld, where they were ruled by the Goddess Lelwani. Hittite scribes identified these deities with the Anunnaki.

In ancient Hurrian, the Anunnaki are referred to as karuile? ?iune?, which means "former ancient Gods", or kattere? ?iune?, which means "Gods of the earth". Hittite and Hurrian treaties were often sworn by the old Gods in order to ensure that the oaths would be kept. In the myth of Ullikummi, the old Gods search for the weapon that was used to separate the heavens from the earth.

Although the names of the Anunnaki in Hurrian and Hittite texts frequently vary, but they are always eight in number.

Nephilim were the offspring of the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" before the Deluge, according to (Genesis 6:1-4) of the Bible. There is however debate over the identity of the Nephilim in Genesis 6.

Some people believe that the Nephilim are the offspring of sexual relations between fallen angels and human women. In support of this view Jude 6 is often referenced: "And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day," (Jude 1:6). This would mean that the fallen angels (The Hebrew naphal means 'to fall') had sexual intercourse with women. Whether or not this is possible is not explicitly stated in Scripture. However, we do know that angels can appear as humans (Hebrews 13:2) and are exceedingly powerful (2 Peter 2:11), so it is conceivable that they can manifest with total biological capabilities as well.

Another view held by Christians is that the Nephilim are the descendants of Seth, the son of Adam. The term "Sons of God" would designate great power and authority the same way a King would be addressed with the term "your Majesty." In this view, the men who were supposed to be Godly took wives who were unbelievers and their offspring are said to have been fallen ones.

Finally, there are others, non-Christians, who believe that the Nephilim are Aliens from other worlds. This last view is certainly unbiblical.

One issue is the use of the term Nephilim before and after the flood. If all of the inhabitants of the world were destroyed, except for those on Noah's Ark, then where did the Nephilim of (Numbers 13:33) come from? There are two possibilities. First, it could be that if the fallen angels had sex with women before the flood, there's no reason to conclude that could not have done so again after the flood and produced more giants. Or, it could be that the Nephilim of (Numbers 13:33) are large people and were referenced using the pre-flood term.

The range of options is varied. Consider this compilation of quotes:

"Many have suggested that the sons of God were the godly line of Seth and the daughters of men were the Cainites. But this does not do justice to the terminology or the context. Others view the 'sons of God' as angels (Job 1:6), who cohabited with women on earth. This, however, conflicts with (Matt. 22:30)."

“At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven (Matt. 22:30)."

"The term Nephilim (Giants in Hebrew) implies not so much the idea of great stature as of reckless ferocity, impious and daring characters, who spread devastation and carnage far and wide.”

As you can see, commentaries are divided on who exactly the Nephilim really are, and the scriptures are not clear. Therefore, we can make no definite statement on their identity.

Now, as to the origin of these Hittites and Hivites, who were of neither Semitic, Hamitic, or Japhetic stock, but direct descendants of the Most Ancient Church, as writings of Emanuel Swedenborg ventured to offer as hypothesis, which, though not yet proved either from Revelation or Science, still suggests itself from the 'Writings of the New Church'. At the time of the Great Flood (i.e. at the time of the destruction of the Most Ancient Church), the inhabitants of the land of Canaan were divided into two general and very different classes of people.

The first, who constituted the vast majority, were the antediluvians, the monstrous Nephilim, the perverted Celestial men who had become the worst people this earth has ever seen. Most of these perished through the clogging up of their channels of internal respiration, but some survived, the horrible tribes known as Rephaim, Anakim, Horim, Avim, Emim, Zuzim, and Zamzummin.

The other class, a small nucleus, was the remnant of simple good people, collectively called Noah, who were saved from destruction by a new Divine Revelation, (the Ancient Word), the seed of a new church. Between these and the Nephilim there could be no friendship, no modus vivendi; there must have been direful persecutions and wars of extermination, and the Noachites as a whole undoubtedly had to flee for their lives.

Is it not significant that Noah found refuge on Mount Ararat, in Armenia? Why is Ararat mentioned, a mountain so far from the center of Canaan, unless there is some substratum of historical truth in the Biblical account of the Flood?

To Emanuel Swedenborg it seems evident that the people called Noah actually fled from Canaan and "planted a vineyard" in Ararat, in other words, founded a colony in the highlands of Armenia. From this region, as a basis, they sent forth missionaries preaching the spiritual truths of the Ancient Church to various gentile nations who thus became "the sons," the converts, of Noah, and in time became the ancestors of the Semitic, Hamitic, and Japhetic races.

The Church and nation called Noah in the meantime remained in their mountainous homes in Armenia, until, after many ages, they became a strong nation which finally pressed forward and took possession of Asia Minor and Syria. These, then, were the "northern Hittites," known in history only after the Ancient Church had become corrupted amongst them.

But who were the southern Hittites and Hivites, the Celestial remnants in the mountains of Canaan itself? May not they have descended from families of Noachites who did not emigrate with the rest, but found refuge in the mountains nearer home? We are informed in (Arcana Coelestia 640) that "besides the Church Noah there were also others at that time, [i.e. other salvable remnants of the Most Ancient Church], such as that which is called 'Enoch,' and others also, of whom no such mention and description are extant." From some of these, or from remaining Noachites, the southern Hittites and Hivites must have come, known by the same national names as that of their northern, more numerous, and warlike brethren.

It is to be added that the modern Armenians, (who are supposed to be descendants of the Hittites), claim to be the most ancient people in the world, and their language the original speech of mankind. The same claim was made by the ancient Phrygians, who were clearly a Hittite nation. (Encyclopedia Britannica, vol. 18, p. 849)

One more consideration: Why is it that Syria often signifies cognition, that is, knowledge of spiritual things? The "wise men from the East" who came to worship the newborn Lord, were "Syrians," we are told in the Writings, "for in Syria were the last remains of the Ancient Church, and therefore in that land the cognition of good and truth were still preserved, as is evident from Balaam," who knew. Jehovah and quoted directly from the Ancient Word (AC 3249). Was it not because Syria was occupied mainly by the Hittites, who, as the immediate descendants of Noah, preserved among themselves the traditions of the Ancient and Most Ancient Churches, in greater fullness than could be found with other nations?

Besides the direful tribes generally known as "Nephilim," there was in the land of Canaan another and very different class of aborigines, the two more or less scattered nations known as "Hittites" and "Hivites." While these, in the letter of the Word, are generally classed as "Canaanites," as in the oft-repeated lists of "the Jebusites, and the Perizzites, and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Kenites, and the Girgashites," etc..., the Hittites and the Hivites must be considered separately from the rest because of their distinct origin, history, character, and spiritual representation.

Food for thought…

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