A good recruiter is worth their weight in gold.

A good recruiter is worth their weight in gold.

As a recruiter I am selling a product. Every product has features and benefits.

My product is my market knowledge, and it’s what sets me apart from the rest. There are a lot of recruiters who claim to be a specialist recruiter, but what does it actually mean? I am a micro niche recruiter within the global smart technology industry and my area of specialism is “inches wide and miles deep.”


Why does being a micro nice recruiter matter?

  • By the time our conversation has finished about your latest vacancy, I know the first 5 phone calls I am going to make.
  • I know where to find the right person, where they are working now and why they will be interested in your opportunity.
  • I have all the information about my pool of candidates to hand immediately. I have already got their contact details, have already built a relationship with them and understand their motivation to move. The boxes that need ticking have been checked, the career strategy they have set out for themselves is understood and I know who is ready for their next challenge.
  • I know which handful of companies the person you are looking for is currently working at and…


Understanding the market (and competition).

I know how important it is to attract the best of the best (our very own unicorns) to your company. This is why I not only pride myself on understanding the recruitment processes of competitors, and influencing factors, but also much more than that.

I know:

  • What your competition are doing – good and bad.
  • Competitor companies that are making cut backs or redundancies.
  • Competitor companies that have won the latest projects.
  • I know what new business units, and territories are being added to organisations within my market.
  • I know who knows who.


My weight in gold.

I don’t need to rely on searching for CVs or hoping the right person responds to an advert, my searching for the very best people has already been done.

In summary I can talk about my niche area like no other recruiter can.

Today’s price of gold per kg is £59,777. I weigh 114kgs. My weight in gold is £6,814,578. You can have this service and expertise for less than 0.25% of my weight in gold.


You deserve the service we offer at Triple Edge Solutions .

Contact me to discuss further.


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