A Good Recruiter becomes an Ambassador for your Company.

A Good Recruiter becomes an Ambassador for your Company.

Mining’s ongoing skills shortage is keeping HR departments across our industry busy, as teams work hard to fill gaps in the labour force that otherwise risk denting their companies’ productivity and profits.


It’s a challenge many HR professional's relish. But day in, day out it can also start to stretch everything from resources to patience — especially when you think you’ve found the ideal candidate, only for them to accept an offer from another company.

Emma Lewin and Ann Meyer- and the teams at MPI are well qualified to step in and assist. When an important position is vacant, you need it filled quickly with a well-qualified candidate. If you need to bring in outside talent to fill the role, it can often lead to a long, drawn-out advertising process. Unless, that is, you happen to have a swag of relevant CVs on file.


MPI has the advantage of being a specialist, independent recruiter who do have a swag of relevant CVs on file. We have a huge database and an excellent reputation within the industry. We also have our finger on the pulse of which talent is on the market and looking for a new opportunity, or who might be interested in making a move.

Professional recruiters are dealing with jobseekers across a wide variety of roles within their area of expertise every single day. Often, they’ve been doing it for many years. They know people. They know the best people. You can leverage their knowledge, database and network to your own advantage. That’s literally what the recruiter is there for (and what they love doing).


MPI have systems in place for weeding out less than ideal candidates, like those with work histories or reputations that might prove problematic — candidates who might seem fine on paper but who, it is discovered through a recruiter’s due diligence, don’t quite measure up to the promise.


All this means is that when you engage a recruiter, you’re able to tap into the best talent more quickly, often without having to advertise the position at all. In that sense, using a specialist recruiter represents excellent value for money.

That’s where having a good relationship with a specialist recruiter can help. If you’re thinking it might be time to start outsourcing some of your recruitment, please call MPI on 9426 1500 (editing contributor Dan Hatch)


