A Good Read!
In today’s marketing world, it isn’t a question of whether you’re doing digital marketing; it’s a question of whether you’re doing it better than your competitors! Over the years, digital marketing has become more and more complex and competitive.
WSI is the largest digital marketing agency network of its kind. They have partners and clients in every corner of the world and are passionate about helping businesses do better marketing. Since 1995, they have helped more than 100,000 clients with their digital marketing strategies and have won over 100 WMA awards for their digital solutions.
WSI published their first book, Digital Minds: 12 Things Every Business Needs to Know About Digital Marketing in 2013. This current book is the third in the Digital Minds series. Each chapter is written by a different thought leader within the global WSI network.
Authors within the book represent regions all over the world, from North America to Africa and everywhere in between….