A good process map tells a story
Let's start with a simple Pizza ordering process that has been overly complicated with bpmn notations and placing of the tasks in less than perfect order.
First, we going to re-arrange the sequence of the tasks, to make the end events placed in a logical order. E.g. The "Not hungry anymore" should be at the top, not in the middle. ( Assumption is the Not hungry anymore is the happy scenario)
Now, we easily see there are 3 possible outcomes after ordering the pizza ... and may start asking .."What is that Already asked 3 times"... and after some guessing and reading the map for n times we realised that the "Already asked 3 times" is associated with "Ask the delivery service". ... and the map should be...
Hmmm.. the story is less muddy now. The Customer will ask the delivery service if the pizza is not yet delivered within 60 minutes of waiting, and the Customer will continue to wait for another 60 minutes... and if on the 3rd time ( after waiting for 180 minutes), the Customer will cancel the order. Let's assume this is the story... we can use fewer notations to tell the story.
Ok, if you still reading, you must be wonder where is this pizza shop? the pizza must be the best pizza in the world as the Customer is willing to wait for up to 3 hours