A Good Practice for During the Pandemic and After

A Good Practice for During the Pandemic and After

I have written below some easy ways that take about 10 minutes a day to improve the quality of life for yourself and others.


Pick out a notebook or journal whose color or style uplifts you and makes you want to write in it. Then pick a favorite pen that you like the feel of and the width of line that matches your taste.  Put it on the coffee table or end table where you are most likely to see it, reach for it and open its pages

Date the first entry with Day, Month, Date and Year

Now number and write down 3 things you are thankful for that day

It could be something like being grateful for your eyes, the air your breathe, a relationship or conversation. The possibilities are endless. However, it will make you reach into your memory and choose one thing. You will write 3 things you are thankful for numbering them 1-3

Now write 1 thing that happened during your day that was positive.

It could be a compliment someone has given you, a financial windfall or picking up a quarter off the street, or a change or new relationship. The possibilities are endless, but it helps you to live mindfully in the present to capture these things, remember them and later write them down.

Lastly write down 1 random act of kindness you performed today. 

Nothing is too small. 


1. write a friend and tell them what you like about them,

2. pay something for the person behind you in line at the store, 

3. write a compliment on your waiters check, leave them a larger tip especially if you don’t think they were that good they may have something going on in their life which will elevate their mood and make it better for their next customer.

 If you run out of ideas Google Random Acts of Kindness and you will get a whole list

The third thing is memorization.

Most people hate to do this because it is taxing and requires boring repetition. But when you memorize uplifting statements and they are finally a part of yourself and you can recite them during an air raid or getting stuck in traffic, you will find it not only uplifts you, but you are using a part of your brain that will become stronger over time. 

I suggest you start out with one line a week. If you are Christian it could be “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Or if not, a positive affirmation like. “I see good in all those who surround me” To get ideas- google “Healing Scriptures” and pick one, or Google “Positive Affirmations” and pick one. 

 It is very important only do one line a week and say it to yourself when you are doing other things, so it really takes hold. After 4 weeks, 4 different one sentence memorizations, say all 4 every day for a week one right after another. By the next month you will pick a two-line memorization. But every day one time a day you will repeat your first 4-line memorization. Then during the week your two lines and keep repeating the cycle. You will want to go faster but don’t even if you know you can do it. This builds up a very good habit and the slowness is the “secret sauce”


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