Be Good to Obtain Good

I learned from Peter Senge’s laws of the fifth discipline that cause and effect do not occur together at the same time (see more on laws of the fifth discipline in the Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization first published in 1990).??Briefly,?the fifth discipline, is the discipline of systems thinking. Senge explained that systems thinking is the discipline that holds all the other disciplines of the learning organization together. ?I discuss the disciplines of the learning organization elsewhere.

At the heart of systems thinking is the law of cause and effect in the mental and physical dimensions of life.

Three Dimensions of Life

No effect causes itself. Every cause has its effect. Every effect has its cause. The law of cause and effect operates at three dimensions of spiritual, mental and physical. ?Remember, the three, height, length and breadth dimensions of life explained to us by the inspired writer of the book of Revelations.

Cause and Effect are Separate in Mind and Body

In the mental and physical levels of reality, the length and breadth dimensions of life, there is always a period of time between a cause and its effect. Every time you start something, you create a cause, which will someday materialize in a certain effect that is corresponding to that cause. When you start a positive cause, there will be in due time a positive effect.

Sow the Wind. Reap the Whirlwind

If you start a negative cause, there will be a negative effect. ?The problem is that you can never predict when the effect will materialize. Regardless of what happens, the effect will occur whether you like it or not. Positive causes produce positive effects. Negative causes produce negative effects. But the cause and effect do not occur together at the same time.?

As you sow, so shall you reap

Eugene Ferson, in his book Science of Being, published in 1923, explained that whenever you start a cause you are powerless of its effect. You can never change the effect of a certain cause. This truth seems not to be ?obvious?to?many people. It is impossible to stop negative effects of a negative cause. This is why it is very important to start a positive cause at all times. In that way you will have only positive effects. ?Remember the words of wisdom of ages,, “who so ever sows the wind shall reap the whirlwind”.

What so ever you sow, so shall you also reap

Tomorrow Enemy of Today

When we know ?the law of cause and effect, we shape our lives. We shape our destiny exactly as we wish it to be. Naturally we cannot straighten out past mistakes, we can ?only take them as lessons. When those negative causes manifest later in life, those who are wise profit by the experience that they learned from their mistakes, which become good lessons not to repeat. ?Experience is a great teacher.

In order to use the law of cause and effect successfully in our lives, we must handle it well. The first thing to do is to live in the ever-present now. This means to start the right causes now. Important: Live now, and not in the future, of the anticipated effects, but at the present time when you are creating positive causes.

If you want to advance in your career, focus on your work today, study to improve your skills, and be good to fellow workmates. By doing so you will know your job better, be productive today, and you see you advance in your career, and your life.?Do everything you need to do today, without fail, and tomorrow will take care of itself. Do not live tomorrow, today, for tomorrow is the enemy of today. ?

Past ?is the Pain Body

Sometimes we focus on our mistakes of the past. Only to our detriment. There is nothing you can do about those things you caused in the past, even as recent as a few hours ago. Effects of causes of the past will manifest without fail. Do not mind them. Focus instead on starting positive causes now.

Now is the Appointed Time

Now you must do everything that needs to be done. Eckhart Tolle explained in the Power of Now, that now is the very wonderful and only moment for us to live. The past is the pain body (more on that elsewhere). ?The now moment is not well understood by many.???Understand that now is all you have, and do all the good things that you need to do to improve your life. Then only good will manifest. Remember the law of cause and effect. You overcome bad effects tomorrow, by doing good causes today.

Blended in Height Dimension

At the spiritual level, the height dimension of life, is the first great cause. The spirit is the principal cause of everything. In spirit, everything is caused. But interestingly there is also the effect all at the same time. In the spiritual level cause and effect happen simultaneously, and therefore do not obey the law of the fifth discipline that states that cause and effect do not occur together at the same time. This is how we know that the law of cause and effect is not a law of the absolute, but a law of the relative. Cause and effect are blended together in spirit and cannot be separated. Amazing! If you are merciful, mercy is extended to you. Have you noticed that when you are merciful to others, you obtain mercy at the same time. Mercy is receiving what you do not deserve. Blessed are the merciful for they obtain mercy.?This means that you have to give to receive. ??This is only true in the spiritual dimension, also. Emphasizing a different point, John Mark wrote, “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them.” ?This means that when you ask for something in your life in the spiritual consciousness, believe that you receive it now, and you shall receive. This does not seem to make much sense, because so many things that you wish would happen in a certain way, never happen. ??To ask without receiving, indicates that the source of the ask is in the mental and physical dimensions, also known as self-consciousness.?In order to receive, you have to believe, which means the ask is in the spiritual consciousness. Believe that you receive, and you shall receive. Have you noticed that if you do not believe that you have something you do not have it. That even if you are holding it, it disappears.?For example, you might have a job, but you do not believe that job is good for you. Without fail, you lose that job. Another person, could have the same job as you, but because he or she believes in what he or she??has, he or she advances in job and the career progresses.?To receive career advancement, you must believe. This indicates that cause and effect in spiritual dimension are simultaneous.

On another note, If you are forgiving, you receive forgiveness. If you do not forgive, you do not receive forgiveness.?Amazing! Again, ?be merciful for you obtain mercy simultaneously. Be good, for you obtain good. This is all very counterintuitive, it isn’t it? That is the height dimension of life. Very counterintuitive. Don’t struggle with it, just believe.

Dr. Scholastica A. ILoghalu, DHA, MSHS-Ed, ACHE, Author, FIIAS

Risk Management Personnel @ ARRM;Texas Department Of Criminal Justice | Healthcare Strategist, Risk Management

2 年

Being good is a virtue! I am so passionate about any topic on being good for that is my mantle, which led to my publishing a book on ethics. The title is: Ethical Leadership In Healthcare And Other Industries. It is on Amazon and Abbey Books. My passion for Goodness is beyond imagination! It is Good to be Good! Thank you all!


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