A Good News Story
Marshall Frieze
Winner of Telecommunications Specialist of the Year 2022/23! Over 25 years helping SMEs with market-leading support for telecoms solutions, tailor-made to you.
I wanted to share some really exciting news for my company, The One Solution.
You may have read in the Yorkshire Post and the link below https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/marshallfrieze_the-one-solution-seeks-40000-new-connections-activity-6591022461880422400-Qt-_ that we were recently successful in winning the Shulman’s Solicitors and Walnut Care mobile accounts despite competition from the networks and several other providers nationwide. The process for both wins was a challenging process, however I am delighted to say that we were successful with both companies.
We pride ourselves on cost effective solution and great customer service and support – one of the reasons our retention rates run in excess of 97% across mobile, VoIP solutions, Lone Worker Protection – essentially any type of business critical communications.
If you would like to have an in formal chat about your current telecoms and how we can help you become potentially more efficient and future-proof, why not get in touch and we will come and see you.
We will even bring the biscuits!