A Good News Story...
A Good News Story…
On Monday while I was at home recovering from strep throat I came
Across this heart-warming story about Jessie Rees and her heart of
Compassion for other children who were also suffering from a
Cancer diagnosis.
3 of my favorite quotes on giving came to mind when I learned
About her story….
“… And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said,
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” (Acts 20:35)
“I have found that among its other benefits giving liberates the
Soul of the giver.”
“No act of kindness no matter how small is ever wasted.”
The Jessie Rees Foundation was inspired by 12 years old
Jessie Rees during her 10 month fight with two brain tumors
During Jessie's courageous fight she chose to help other kids
Fighting cancer by sending them her fun-filled Joy Jars and
Encouraging them to NEGU… Never Ever Give Up!
Jessie personally was able to send over 3,000 of her Joy Jars
To other kids during her fight. Although Jessie lost her fight with
Cancer on January 5, 2012 she left behind a massive wave of
Compassion and a legacy of love.
The mission of the Jessie Rees Foundation is to ensure
Every child fighting cancer has the support, resources and
Encouragement to Never Ever Give Up!
You can support the Jessie Rees Foundation online at:
?To Learn more of Jessie’s story...