Good news for people living in Phillippines, Jamaica, South Africa, Zambia, to the world | Solution to create growth?mindset
You must invest in yourself first in order to create the right mindset and the right drive to action. You must get to a point where this feels totally doable to you. Success is a state of mind.
"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." - Albert Einstein
The best coach to the greatest team doesn't just say: We are the best, we'll just go in there and win. The best coach prepares the team on many levels, but the most important level is psychological. The mind has unlimited power.
Be prepared to become an improved version of mental self and let go of your old/current self. That sounds intuitive, but it's much easier said than done. That's because your ego identifies with your core beliefs. In a way that's what makes you, you. Here's what you have to do to achieve your goal:
Decide you are going to become an entrepreneur. Everything starts with a decision.
State your goal clearly, including the deadline. Write it down. Look at it every day. If your goal is too big to make it totally believable, break it down. That will put things into more manageable chunks.
White down the why behind your goal. This should be meaningful to you. Try with more things until you hit a home run. You need to get inspired by your goal, otherwise you are not going to take action. It's just going to be wishful thinking. This is the process that will inspire you to take action. It will come naturally as an idea or an urge to do something towards your goal.
There is a path of least resistance to this whole process. Something that will bring faster results and higher commitment. It's a visualisation exercise that will help you find out your higher purpose in life. That will totally solve the greater why for you and will fast forward you in the major leagues:
Every morning, in your mind's eye, visualise that today you were just announced you won the lottery: $95 million. Spend some time to contemplate that. Understand what it means. So you don't care about money anymore and you just relax. Life is fabulous.
Think to yourself: I don't care about anything else, I just want to feel good. What would I want to do today that would make me feel good?
You ask that question every morning, until the answer is consistent for 21 days in a row. It might take you a few months but once you get there, that is your answer. That is your higher purpose in life.
Until you care about yourself and your needs and feelings, you will not have anything of real value to give to others and you will not feel a deep satisfaction in doing it. It will be superficial. Most people are living superficially. They put on their masks every day and pretend being happy and making a difference. Some don't even bother pretending. Watch a person's face from a distance, when they are not talking to anyone but sitting alone. Do they still have that fake smile on their face or they look rather worried or troubled? Now approach them again and see how the mask comes back on instantly.
Let your smile be genuine, consistent and come from within.
Once you get the idea, take inspired action. Remain committed to your goal.
Drive to action is created through motivation and inspiration. The best way to imagine the difference between the two is to imagine motivation as a "push" while inspiration is a "pull". You get pushed into action by motivation and pulled into a higher purpose action by inspiration. An inspired person is motivated to act, but a motivated person is not inspired to act.
That rare condition that blends thinking and doing and archives the impossible. Locked in and engaged. I am on a mission and success is the only option.
This quote by Will Smith captures the essence of the winner's mentality:
“The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I'm not afraid to die on a treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all of those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there's two things: You're getting off first, or I'm going to die. It's really that simple."
Successful people work much more because they value their time much more. Because of this, they will not waste one minute. Usually is the case that every minute of their time is properly scheduled. Even play time, which they realise the absolute need for.
The difference is that their work has meaning, passion, a reason to service and excel. They will not just work to fill in their time. That is why they seem to have much more time and energy. They achieve goal after goal, setting the bar higher and higher.
Value your time and improve your efficiency: 80% of the value comes from 20% of the effort. Which means that 80% of your effort is inefficient. Value your time and put it to good use, by prioritising the high ROI (Return On Investment) activities. We all have 24 hours in a day, but we don't use it the same way. That's how high achievers make better use of their time.
Now go show them how it's done !
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