The Good News Magazine
The Good News Magazine
(I am asking all my friends to support the wonderful work of Margaret Leighton in producing the 'Good News' magazine three times a year. Margaret is a truly remarkable women!).
'Good News' is a three times a year magazine created and published by Margaret Leighton. There have been 63 paper issues so far. Margaret is a wonderful Christian lady who, by her own admission, lives in what she calls 'The Dark Ages'.
For Margaret does not have access to the internet; she does not even have an email address!
Having myself edited various magazines and newsletters over many years I was extremely impressed by the tremendous quality of 'Good News' and I recognised, with great understanding, the amount of work that Margaret had to put into each issue.
I wrote to Margaret suggesting that I could help her to reach a much wider audience if I was to make 'Good News' available on the web. Apparently, Margaret had been praying that someone would come along to do just that!
'Good News' began its life as a newsletter for people in prison. Many prison chaplains welcomed the publication of 'Good News' and gave it their whole hearted support. Margaret has been producing 'Good News' for more than 18 years!
'Margaret publishes 'Good News' three times a year. She does all the preparation herself. Between the printing and postage costs Margaret needs around £2,800 per issue, all of which needs to be completely funded by generous donations from the readers and the organisations (mostly churches) which distribute the magazine.
I invite you to freely download the last two issues of 'Good News’:-
Once you have read - and downloaded - 'Good News 61 and 62', I am sure that you will be as impressed as I am.
Issue 63 of 'Good News' has just been published and, after a lengthy chat with Margaret, she and I agreed that everyone would be very happy to pay a small annual subscription fee to receive a magazine of this quality through their letter box three times a year.
If you would like to start your annual subscription for 'Good News' by receiving issue number 63, it will only cost you £6 per annum (including postage) which you can pay via PayPal by going to:-…
And if you live outside the UK it will only cost you £10 per annum (including airmail postage) and you may pay via PayPal by going to:-…
The more copies of 'Good News' that are sold, the more that Margaret can have printed. These days, although a large number of copies still find their way into prisons up and down the country, thousands of copes also find their way into Churches of all denominations - and other places where people enjoy reading heart-warming Christian stories.
And if you would like to support Margaret's work in expanding 'Good News' and making it available to more and more people by offering a donation, please go to:-…
Many thanks, in advance, for all your love and support
God Bless