Good News Magazine
The Good News Magazine is now available through one of my websites:-
For further information and to freely download your copy please take a look at:-
Good News was founded/created by a wonderfully inspirational lady, Margaret Leighton. Originally she published Good News for the benefit of people in prisons; many prison chaplains support Good News.
But, with the passage of time, Good News has expanded its readership to include many churches, throughout the UK. 7000+ copies of the paper version of Good News are distributed every issue.
Good News includes 16 pages of heart-warming stories, inspirational articles, joy-filled quotes and humour.
Up to the present day there have been 61 issues of Good News. Now is the time to expand the readership of Good News even further, through the internet. I shall be uploading all future issues of Good News to my Holy Spirit website.
And if you would prefer a paper copy of Good News, Margaret’s address is on the web page at:-
I know that she will be very pleased to hear from you.
With many peaceful blessings