Good news!: County committee endorses Tosa road repairs & West Allis playground improvements
Shawn Rolland
Milwaukee County Board Supervisor; Northwestern Mutual Assistant Director - Executive Visibility & Thought Leadership
Dear friends and neighbors,
I ran on a platform to make Wauwatosa, West Allis and Milwaukee's westside even better. Below, you'll find some good news about parkway road improvements in Wauwatosa and playground replacements in West Allis in 2021. You'll also find opportunities and resources that can benefit anyone in our District.
I look forward to hearing your ideas and insights - especially as we begin to weigh the 2021 county budget, review departmental proposals and goals, and more. We'll be talking racial and health equity, strategic planning, and much more. If I can be helpful to you, please contact my office.
Influential county committee endorses Underwood Parkway road repairs and Rainbow Park playground replacement in 2021
Thanks to your stories and advocacy - and thanks to Supervisor John Weishan's advocacy and leadership - our county's influential Capital Improvement Committee (CIC) voted to approve repairs of Underwood Parkway in Wauwatosa near Bluemound and 121st/119th Street, as well as replacement of the playground at Rainbow Park in West Allis in 2021. We pointed out the potholes and the rusting rails, on August 28, both of these projects were endorsed.
These projects among others will now be shared with Milwaukee County Executive David Crowley as he weighs his 2021 county budget proposal. Thanks to all constituents who raised their voices and shared their stories to earn this committee's support! If you have a moment, please send members of the CIC an email thanking them for their support.
Here are some of the Underwood Parkway potholes that we hope to repair in 2021!
Here's the rusting Rainbow Park playground that we hope to replace in 2021!
New improvements coming to the Zoo Interchange
Work to finish the North Leg of the Zoo Interchange is under way. This 1.7-mile reconstruction project will expand I-41/45 (some of the busiest freeway sections in the state) to eight lanes from Swan Boulevard to Burleigh Street in the city of Wauwatosa. The project also includes new bridges at Mayfair Road, North Avenue, Meinecke Street and a new bridge for the Union Pacific Railroad. The design also calls for several retaining walls and noise walls along the interstate corridor.
What kind of return on investment should we expect?
- Improved safety and fewer accidents
- Reduced congestion and faster commute times
- Updated infrastructure with fewer issues
- More vertical clearance at bridges to reduce accidents
Anyone can stay up-to-date on the project (and related closures) by visiting this website:
Learn and share your views on the 2021 county budget
In late August and early September, Milwaukee County residents have opportunities to learn about the condition of the county's budget - and advocate for what you believe in. You can submit questions, sign up to speak live, or watch the events. Please note that you must sign up (or submit questions) 24 hours in advance. Click this link to follow the meeting and/or submit comments using the Granicus eComment tool.
This year, Milwaukee County is starting with a budget gap of $42.5 million – and we need your help to close it. Use the Balancing Act Tool and show us how you would invest in important community services and balance Milwaukee County’s 2021 budget. Take 15 minutes and make your voice heard today!
Be a friend of our county parks
Last month, I got to meet members of the Friends of Cooper Park, and heard about their plans to raise $3,000 to plant 30 trees, expand the community garden, and more. Great goal! Thanks to Matt and all of the "friends" for inviting me out!
Many of the programs, events and projects in Milwaukee County parks are made possible through the efforts of park “friends” groups. Numerous non-profit groups volunteer their time on a range of activities – from hosting summer concerts and fundraising to weeding and presenting educational programs. Consider joining a “friends” group, get involved and support your Milwaukee County Parks! If you don't see your favorite park listed, consider starting own group
These friends even have business cards! Keep up the good work.
"Field of Flags" remembers those we lost in WWII and marks 75th anniversary
This weekend through September 4, the Milwaukee County War Memorial Center is marking the 75th anniversary of the end of WWII by placing a “field of flags,” one for each of the 2,972 Milwaukee County residents who were killed in action in WWII. They will also have a traveling WWII replica memorial onsite. Learn more about the county’s War Memorial activities this week here:
Funding to help renters, landlords and homeowners
Renters, landlords and homeowners are struggling financially amidst today's economic downturn, and evictions are rising. That's why Milwaukee County is making available $15 million in federal CARES Act funding to the Milwaukee County Housing Division to help prevent evictions, provide mortgage assistance and more. To apply, visit:
Let’s stay safe from COVID-19
The Wisconsin National Guard is offering free public COVID-19 testing at two sites: no symptoms needed. Most people are receiving results within 24-28 hours. Please take advantage of this resource, especially if you or your loved ones have symptoms!
Donate blood on 9/11 and get a free COVID-19 antibody test
In memory the lives lost on September 11, 2001, blood donors are encouraged to roll up their sleeves. On 9/11, stop by the Wauwatosa Fire Department (1601 Underwood Ave.) between 1 and 5 pm and donate blood. Beyond helping to save lives, the SARS CoV-2 antibody test, AKA the COVID-19 Antibody Test (CAT), will be performed on all blood donations as part of the standard testing. The test will inform donors if they have antibodies reflective of a prior COVID-19 infection.
Maintaining our parks
See a fallen tree in a park? Spotted vandalism on a park building? Discovered some illegal dumping? Whatever the issue, there's now an easy way to let us know. Simply fill out the County Parks' Issues Report form at: Share the details and location, provide a photo if you can, and we'll send the details to our hard-working park operations team.
Fund our communities by completing the U.S. Census
Be sure to be counted! Complete the U.S. Census ASAP. Why? For each person that Wisconsin misses in the Census, our state loses $1,600 in funding! The federal government uses census data to allocate dollars to Medicaid, Pell Grants, schools lunches and more. It's so important and it only takes 10 minutes. Visit or call 1-844-330-2020.
I hope you have a safe and happy September. If I can help you, please don't hesitate to contact my office. And if you missed last month's e-newsletter, here's a link. Take care, be safe, and talk soon.
Supervisor Shawn Rolland
District 6, representing neighborhoods in Wauwatosa, West Allis and Milwaukee’s westside