Good News Architecture Intel rsvp
Chris Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab 2025reportersclub thanks Kamala for most decency White House ever seen,,,
Do you have some good news to share with us 8 billion beings?-Let's co-blog (2025-1984) [email protected] DC NY HK Glasgow or your open space! upd 5/23 on ai & whitehouse
202543.1 With Alphafold2, Intel architecture gifted us a giant leap that previously would have needed another billion years of graduate time. Now all of nature's 200000 proteins maps are freed for immediate research. This is great news if you are in biotech. Architecture Intel ...................... May 2023.1?hassabis-whitehouse-ai%20in%20science-19may2023.docx
May 2023.2?fei-Fei%20Li%20White%20House%19May%202023.docx?
Before a deeper dive into leaders of AI's giant leaps, may i suggest that human's value greatest secret may be in plain vision: Architecture Intel values how every human spends her lifetime.
I feel that from the birth of the UN how humans time is spent became the question to ask everywhere to move beyond economists as dismal lose-losers to way above zero sum human networking- after all sharing life critical knowhow multiplies value in use unlike advertising consumption of more and more things
App this to bring any inter disciplinary or culturally deep question to open space deep mindsets on nature through your lifetime as an earthling , as well as biotech asking can we design a protein to east up plastic in our waters.
My family of Diaspora Scots has been given extraordinary chances to witness incidences of mindboggling good fortune that earth brings. In post-war times, new chapters began when dad, Norman, survived being a teenage navigator allied bomber command burma and completed his young adult education being seconded by The Economist to spend year of 1951 in UNYPrinceton with Von Neumann.
Therefore: AIgood exponential multipliers are of great interest to Von Neumann alumni, my family friends and uniting 2025 reporters from coast to coast and nEWs from every GPS- eg arctic circle, Asians 65% of humanity, 202543 & One Billion Southern girl warriors of end poverty.
As Keynes had foreseen, Economic scribblers needed to give way to smarter maths Mapping Architectural Intel. Thus in 1951 when John asked Norman and then editor Sir Geoffrey: will The Economist become the space where journalists ask what good will peoples unite wherever they have first access to at least 100 times more tech per decade?
Back from future of 2023, who is gifting us the opportunity to play with AlphaFold2 as the world's greatest puzzler attends to "maths chaos" /deep reality of nature's science : is it one brain Demis's cooperation network and fans 1?; or the combo of the digital west's biggest growth-sustaining company and foundation and educational partners? Or..
At we can try (your help appreciated0 to update humans' latest good news on Architecture Intel - eg see toplink presentation of this Hassabis with White House May 19 ; or go back a month to ceo pichai rebranding deep mind google brain and flows of across Google Deep Mind (London Mountain View NY Paris Montreal). Earlier that month FFL had dropped in from West Coast Stanford Hai to Dc to ask does US gov have the will to design the most open space chat box of all time? Surprisingly no press people were there at the 5 hour public meetup through which she graciously offered real chat translations -as for the closed door gov briefings- hey is the first year that DC has tried to openly learn Architecure Imntel since Neumann died 1957.
WE DONT NEED TO SLOW DOWN GOOD AI< WE DO NEED TO TERMINTE FAKE MEDIA invites all parents who hope their younger half of the world celebrate Natural Architecture Intel to get real with busting sick media.The die is being cast. It appears to us that in the west the top 5 sustainability networks will have their own Large Language Models for Chatting up intergenerational leaps but this is also a high stakes brand gamble unless we the peoples sort out bad media; technically speaking western organisations for who don't do enough quality pre-training will likely find their gpt are meta-disaster zones.
202543.2 Good is.wherever there has been a transformation in universities that every millennial would like to be a joint UN-copperation alumni of. My understanding is that 3 times and places in 21st C to date can most simply help you explore this - more details in a day or two