Good Morning! Today is 8/24/22
Steve Moran
Founder @ Senior Living Foresight | Driving Innovation in Senior Living - 2.81 GPA from #1 party school in the nation
5 Ways You’re Screwing Up Your Digital Marketing
Have you ever gotten a lead from a call out of the blue? You were probably thrilled, right? But inside, you know it didn’t come out of the blue.?Read More . . .
Wellness Wednesday: From Post-traumatic Stress to Post-traumatic Growth
The real power of post-traumatic growth lies in the stories we tell ourselves about the things that occur in our lives and work.?Read More . . .
Does Senior Living Actually Care About Quality?
If we want people to see senior living as fine and wonderful places to work, we must celebrate the good and condemn the bad.?Read More . . .
Reflections on Pioneer Network 2022
It challenged my comfort level. And for a guy who showed up in bright-colored Chucks with light-up laces, you would think I would be in my element.?Read More . . .
Echoes in the Room: Hearing and Common Sense
Recently, at a conference, I was reminded of how difficult it is to address hearing impairments, even for the most well-intentioned organizations.?Read More . . .
Our Partners
Rethinking the Cost of Unpaid Caregivers
Don't resent the old, who gave you life. They too were your age, and more soberingly, you will, sooner than you think, be their age.?Read More . . .
Wellness Wednesday: How to Cope When You’re Having a Tough Day
We all have those days when we wake up and feel like we can take on the world! But let’s be honest, those days are few and far between.?Read More . . .
Make Your Existing Leads Your Gold Mine
Nowadays everyone uses a hashtag. And it can also remind us to focus on those goals that need constant refocusing such as in effective marketing.?Read More . . .
Could Volunteers Help With the Staffing Crisis?
This is what happens when we talk about volunteering, but don’t do much about it. Now, this needs to change.?Read More . . .
We Have No Idea
Someone declares that boomers will not buy what the industry is offering. I lean in this direction but I also find myself thinking we actually have no idea.?Read More . . .