Good Morning
Jessica No?le Kjeldsen
Unlocking bold, transformative brand strategies through deep self-discovery that blend creativity and purpose, empowering visionaries to build identities that captivate, connect, and inspire.
Morning routines are often hailed as the holy grail of a productive day. Makes sense—most elements people add to their morning routines are healthy habits: meditation, soaking up some sun, avoiding screens, making a nutritious breakfast, smashing a workout, etc. The idea being, if you start your day with these "right" habits, the rest of your day will fall into place. Simple enough.
But then people start binging on good habits and now we’re habit stacking. If getting up early and working out is good, then working out plus meditating must be better. Add in a healthy breakfast and a morning skincare routine, and you're four times as likely to crush the day ahead, right? But what happens when you sleep in, miss that alarm, don’t feel well, are traveling, or just plain don’t have it one morning?
There's growing evidence that these morning routines can actually set you up for failure. Why? The rigidity. Many adopt these highly structured habits, thinking a strict sequence will boost their efficiency and success. But this rigidity often leads to stress and anxiety, especially when the routine gets disrupted. God forbid life happens right. Did we not learn anything from Jurassic Park… life finds a way… but I digress. Instead of giving a sense of control, a too-rigid routine can create disappointment if not perfectly executed, undermining the productivity it aims to enhance.
If you follow me on Instagram, you'll see I post my 'routine' every morning. And guess what? Every morning looks different. It didn’t always used to be that way though. Don’t get me wrong, I used to jump on every new trend promising to improve my life. But trying to meet the expectations of these routines took me further from myself, and ultimately these routines made me feel gross and even more lost.
Why? Because I wasn’t listening to what I needed. I was following CEOs of companies I don’t want to work for, influencers with questionable agendas, and success stories that didn’t align with my definition of success. All of this led me down a road of unrealistic expectations, taking me further and further away from who I am.
Forcing myself into a routine misaligned with my natural rhythms led to burnout and decreased performance. Research shows productivity and creativity aren't just about getting up early (thank the Universe) but about understanding your peak times for focus and energy. A one-size-fits-all morning routine can be counterproductive. Personalized schedules that adapt to individual needs and lifestyles are key. Trust me.
It may have taken me 30-some-odd years to realize this – but I do things differently, sometimes a lot differently. For me, learning about my Human Design was a game-changer. As a Reflector, I don’t thrive in structure—I change every day. This is why routines never stick - and I do mean any routine… more on that later.?
If you are struggling with the morning routine of it all - here’s a few things do that might help you (pro-tip: you don’t even have to do any of this in the morning):