Good Mental Health Begins at HOME
American families have made a terrible mistake, which has cost lives! Too many families fail to discuss and create an environment that promotes individual responsibility. As a result, many Americans do not know how to handle emotional pain and anger. Anger can turn into revenge as individuals blame others for their problems. They may even feel justified in shutting down their conscience and victimizing others. Or, they may resort to self harm. Our failure to focus on taking responsibility for our health and safety has led to drug abuse, mental problems, suicide and violence.
The horror of teens killing each other and individuals using guns or trucks to kill their fellow Americans is a wake up call for every American family. We cannot hire enough police or guard every soft target. Laws will NOT control the 310,000,000 guns in circulation today. No one knows what someone else is thinking, so it is up to families to evaluate their own family dynamics.
Ask yourself…
Does everyone in my family feel loved and respected?
Do family members listen and support each other?
Have family members experienced abuse or trauma?
Is a family member abusing drugs or alcohol?
Is a family member keeping secrets or becoming isolated?
Do family members trust each other and willing to share their fears, anger or ask for help?
Are you willing to step up and become the family peacemaker?
Does a family member need a family intervention?
Can your family ask for help or seek counseling?
In a democracy, children need to grow from within to develop a self-protective conscience to prevent them from blaming self or others for their problems. Everyone has problems. Solving problems is how we grow strong and resilient. A supportive family develops strong bonds which helps us deal with the slings and arrows of life!
Are you willing to ask questions and listen with an open heart? Never give up on a family member! You might be the only lifeline.
Seek help, if needed. FREE help is available. Do some homework…call your local hotline, police, area representative, school counselor or talk to a priest, rabbi or pastor.
If we are going to keep Americans safe and healthy, we must do our part to strengthen family support. Let's also work with neighbors to protect each other and keep neighborhoods safe! Every human being needs to be heard, feel loved and supported as they discover the inner power of self-discipline.
To raise mentally healthy, resilient, happy children who become responsible adults, check out Street Safe Kids.