Napolean Hill says, “Everything man creates or acquires begins in the form of desire, that desire is taken on the first lap of its journey...”
Writing things down is magical. The act of putting it down on paper forces your brain to be specific. This is key when goal setting and planning. Keeping your thoughts and goals organized and specific helps put your desires into action. The key is NOT to prioritize your daily tasks and what is on your schedule, but to schedule your TOP priorities. Consider writing down your next day or week on paper before it starts. Write down the most important five things that you feel you MUST get accomplished. In today’s busy world, it is easy to get distracted by time consuming less important actions. There is a clear difference between being BUSY and being PRODUCTIVE.
Keep asking yourself – what’s really important? It’s easy to get overwhelmed and distracted by everyday life. It takes time on certain days to be reminded of what’s really important. Keep things in perspective. Don’t make mountains out of molehills. When you have inner peace, it is easier to concentrate and focus on achieving your goals. Beware of the negative effect of your distracted thinking. In today’s day and age, we are all busy, don’t let the busyness consume you and distract you.
What is important for you to achieve or change for 2020? Where will you be one year from today? How will you get there? Are your goals established for next year? Are they written down? A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline. Desiring change/achievement is hugely different from committing to the work required to achieve those goals. Every successful person has a zeal for goal setting. A goal is a dream with a deadline. This requires change, and change is hard (especially if you grew up in Western Pennsylvania). The most troubling hurdle of all usually is your own self-doubt, so know that you have to envision yourself winning to win. Winners never quit and quitters never win. Persistence will help you defeat all opposition along the way.
Be specific, try to make your goals – SMART goals.
S – specific
M - measurable
A – attainable
R – realistic
T – time sensitive
Write down the reasons that these goals are important to you. Ask friends/family to hold you accountable. Use visual reminders. Don’t be afraid to re-calibrate/re-adjust your goals.
Life is like a GPS. You must program yourself as to where you want to go. If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time. Goal setting is a key ingredient to success. Be clear and specific. Your goals MUST be in writing. Clarifying expectations takes a great deal of courage.