The Good Life...
Rev. Daniel Bramlett
Minister at Total Spiritual Development Addiction Counselor
Life awards us in three ways... It says YES and gives you what you want, It says NO and gives you something better and It says WAIT and gives you the best...
In the hustle of the holidays, it's easy to become so stressed out...One person can only take so much stress and anger build up until they reach their breaking point and snap...I think we all have this one thought in common...This might be the day I finally lose that last little bit of sanity I've been holding on to that has kept me half-way functional for so long...It's possible to have faith in God and be stressed at the same time...know that true faith is letting go of your worries and giving them all to only takes a tiny mustard seed of faith to move that mountain...just believe that if God brings you to it He will bring you through it. Always know that you can handle anything God gives you. You may not handle it well, but you will handle it. I feel that instead of thinking, "what else could go wrong" we should change our thought process and say, "What will be my next accomplishment?" Please know that sometimes all one needs is a warm loving hug from someone that cares and all the worries and sorrows seem to just melt away...Have faith when you feel like you have nothing else...Today Lord, I ask for you to come and take my heavy burdens. I ask you to carry them for me as they are too heavy. Please keep me daily, Lord in your perfect peace. Lord, help me to focus on fixing myself before I g try to fix others...give me your grace and strength as well as your heart so I can be an example...Remember this... "rejoice in every good thing which the Lord your God has given to you and your house" Deuteronomy 26:11...Don't let Fear take hold. "The Lord is my light and my salvation-whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? Psalms 27:1...Rev Daniel Bramlett